House of Flying Daggers (十面埋伏)是张艺谋的一部杰作,也是我最喜欢的。那故事曲折动人,画面优美无比,真是感人肺腑,使我对一句英文谚语 - All is fair in love and war (直译:在爱情和战争面前,一切手段都是公平的。意译:兵不厌诈,爱无规则)- 有了更深的理解。
由美国著名女高音 Kathleen Battle (五次 Grammy 奖得主)唱的主题歌《情侣》尤其动人。英文歌词情深意美,中文是本人几年前译的,自觉不错,请诸位欣赏指正。阿保
(Title Song - House of Flying Daggers)(主题歌 - 十面埋伏)
There was a field in my old town在故乡的一片原野上
Where we always played hand in hand你我手拉手东张西望
The wind was gently touching the grass微风轻吻着山水草木
We were so young so fearless我们是那样年轻无虑
Then I dreamt over and over那时我一遍遍地联想
Of you holding me tight under the stars星光下你的拥抱何等疯狂