<DIV class=User-Name>游客111</DIV>
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<DIV class=User-Name>Just want to remind you that enrolling their own children in the school does not automatically guarantee that "they denfinitely will defend best interest of all parents." To help understand my point, you can look at Chinese government officials: they have their children in China too, but does it mean they will defend the best interest of all parents/citizens? Even if they whole-heartedly intend to do so, being that they are humans after all, isn't it possible that they make mistakes?</DIV>
游客IP:72.156.90.*发布于 2010-05-28 10:2712 楼#
游客IP:198.184.246.*发布于 2010-05-28 10:2311 楼#
<DIV class=User-Name>游客109</DIV>
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<DIV class=User-Name>You maybe new to ACCA. The Board of Director is elected by Parents. As you know, nobody can make every one happy.You are more welcomed to particpate and get elected, so you could excerice your influence.</DIV>
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<DIV class=User-Name>As far as I know, one pre-requiremnt to become Board member is that his/her child need to be enrolled at ACCA. As parents at ACCA, they denfinitely will denfend best interest of all parents. It will be crazy to say that they are not listening to parents' ideas and suggestions.</DIV>
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<DIV class=User-Name>A Parent / Volunteer</DIV>
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<DIV class=User-Name>游客106.</DIV>
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<DIV class=User-Name>The money will come from Tuition, Donation, Rental Income.</DIV>
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<DIV class=User-Name>The goal is to have ACCA become first class chinese scholl in US</DIV>
游客IP:12.178.27.*发布于 2010-05-28 09:336 楼#
游客IP:204.235.114.*发布于 2010-05-28 09:295 楼#
<P>不能简单地理解多媒体. ACCA要建立一个现代化独特高档次的多媒体中心,不只是用一个投影仪那么简单. 新一代多媒体要让每个学生能和媒体互动, Multimedia includes a combination of <A title=Writing href="/wiki/Writing"><FONT color=#0645ad>text</FONT></A>, <A title=Sound href="/wiki/Sound"><FONT color=#0645ad>audio</FONT></A>, <A title=Image href="/wiki/Image"><FONT color=#0645ad>still images</FONT></A>, <A title=Animation href="/wiki/Animation"><FONT color=#0645ad>animation</FONT></A>, <A title=Footage href="/wiki/Footage"><FONT color=#0645ad>video</FONT></A>, and <A title=Interactivity href="/wiki/Interactivity"><FONT color=#0645ad>interactivity</FONT></A> content forms. ACCA要建立一个先进的多媒体教学研究基地. 懂吗?</P>
作者:acca168 时间:2010年05月20日 18:51 查看全文