I am from Beijing Countryside and came here a couple of years ago. I hear Americans say or Obama talk about "Don't ask, Don't tell". I do not understand what does mean. I should live here long enough.
游客IP:166.205.68.*发布于 2014-03-08 03:2218 楼#
To no.48 and 50,
1. Please check your English writing before posting.
2. Stop insulting other people using broken English.
3. Who is the loser, God knows. Wish you be successful in the US, but first, please improve your English!
论坛是进行探讨的地方。对发表言论的人进行污辱,漫骂是很沒有修养的表现。每个人都可以有自己的观点意见。成功的人首先应该知道尊重他人。随便骂别人是失败者的人,自己本身很可能就是一个失败者。不多说,祝48楼和50楼 熄怒自律。成功顺便!我相信给别人好的祝福人自己会得益。赌咒别人失败闹不好会反弹到自己身上。
游客IP:76.122.97.*发布于 2014-03-08 03:2017 楼#
The dog at the 52 floor get out here. This is a place only for human talking!
游客IP:166.205.68.*发布于 2014-03-07 20:0316 楼#
Stupid Chinese! Shame on you guys for fighting over here!
游客IP:66.56.48.*发布于 2014-03-07 19:3015 楼#
junwuusa发布于 2014-03-07 19:2814 楼#
来得不久。也有近30年了。 需要隐私,这事不要公布。还公开募捐。如没有死者家长的同意和支持,把这件事公开才是最大的侵犯隐私。 如果家长同意募捐一事,又对同胞不公开事实,才是最大的不礼貌!<br><br><br>To answer your question:<br><br>1. Charles may knows more American/Chinese than you even though you stayed here for more than 30 years. Is that possible the family is able to inform everyone he knows? The obituary serves the whole purpose. I don't see anything wrong with it or it intrudes privacy;<br><br>2. I believe they already gave enough facts regarding the ceremony; you can send flower or money according to the instructions. What other facts you need in order to attend this ceremony?<br><br>3. Do you mind to share your health information here with us? Do you consider it is impolite if you don't agree to share?<br>
junwuusa发布于 2014-03-07 19:2113 楼#
junwuusa发布于 2014-03-07 19:0312 楼#
I simply can't understand why there are so many people discussing this ... Shame on you for being in US for so long. Have you ever read the AJC metro section? There are obituary information everyday. Have you ever seen any obituary mentions the reason for the death? It's common sense in US. If you don't know, now you should know. It will be funny and impolite if you dare to ask this question. For the ones who can't read English, I don't think it is really necessary to let them know because they will stay in the Chinese community and just let them do whatever. Rest in peace and please don't try to prove your childish simple mind in this post again. It only tells that you will be a loser in US.
The loss of life is so heartbroken for many of us, making us reflect how we could live a meaningful life everyday. I feel so sorry for the family, however, at the same time, just want to speak the fact about the culture I have been aware of. I am not interested in the cause of death at all. I am as busy as everyone. RIP, good nite.
时间:2014年03月05日 11:42 查看全文