我们怀着极其悲痛的心情宣布: 年仅22岁的刘畅(Charles Liu)同学于2月28日凌晨去世。
刘畅同学是一名EMORY大学生物系的学生,已修完所要求的全部课程,将于今年五月毕业。同时,他光荣地完成了海军三个月的新兵训练和八个月的专科技能训练,成为海军预备役现役队员,级别为E4, 职务为牙医和医生助理。
时间: 11:0AM追悼会, 随后有简单的招待会。
地点:Emory Cannon Chapel sanctuary. The sanctuary is on the 3rd floor.
停车:Parking is free on weekend. The best parking facility is the Oxford Road Deck which is behind the Bjones building near the guard gate. http://www.religiouslife.emory.edu/pdf/Directions%20to%20Cannon%20Chapel.pdf
鲜花:The delivery address for Cannon Chapel is 515 S. Kilgo Circle, Emory University, Atlanta, GA 30322. Flowers can be delivered to room 316 or 206 where we have staff people who can receive them. They should be addressed to "The Family of Charles Liu". Please have them delivered on Friday before 4:30 PM.
2.支票可付给Frank Liu or/and Georgia Chen
3.网上转帐:Bank of America
Name: Frank Liu or Georgia Chen
Deposit routing number: 061000052
Account number: 334041472606