Alice Hong - Student at the Cleveland Institute of Music 将举办个人小提琴演奏会. 欢迎大家光临 Time: Friday, Dec 21, 2012 between 4:00pm to 5:30pmLocation: Christ Pre
作者:yuecaipeixun 时间:2012年12月14日 18:02 查看全文
yuecaipeixun发布于 2012-12-22 04:2511 楼#
感谢大家光临, Alice Hong小提琴演奏会圆满结束. 遗憾的是摄像机出了故障,没把独奏会录下来, 只录了CD.
This Friday, I have to work until 5 pm, so I cannot attend this concert.<br>Many may want to attend it but cannot make it due to work and traffic.<br>You should have planned it on Saturday or Sunday.<br>Friday will hurt the volume of concert goers.<br>
游客IP:108.93.145.*发布于 2012-12-18 08:028 楼#
早就听说Alice. She was winner of the 2007-2008 Atlanta Symphony Youth Orchestra Concerto Competition.
作者:yuecaipeixun 时间:2012年12月14日 18:02 查看全文