请准备与会的同胞,尽量周一前电678 571 6169,或发一封主题为“Wednesday Meeting”的电子邮件到huayihuzhu AT gmail.com,告知与会人数,方便安排合适的会议室。只做人头统计用。我们会保护您的隐私,不会收集电话或电邮地址。
Meeting Place: 11340 Lakefield Drive, Suite 200, Johns Creek GA 30097
Meeting Time: March 23rd, Wednesday 7:30PM arrival 8:00PM - 10:30PM Meeting time.
Remote Dial-In available.
为保证效率,本次会议仍将采用Robert’s Rules。
About Robert’s Rules
You can google to find more. In a nutshell, the meeting will elect three persons: Timer, Chair of the
meeting, book recorder.
Every attendee will have one-minute statement, and chair of the meeting will direct time to the next
person in line (by raising hand). Once no more attendees wish to add to the debate, chair can put the
item into voting procedure and the voting result will be recorded as final result for the item.
今晚大家尽量亲临会场,万一要迟到或来不了, 请连接视频会议: