佐治亚国际教育学院 ESL 初级英语课 I,II级 7月20日到9月12日 周二,周四 9am-12am C门入口 请电话咨询刘老师
| The Adult ESL Program at the Georgia International Education Group has six standard levels and is adaptable to students’ needs. All courses/levels include studies in grammar, vocabulary, speaking, listening, reading, writing (formal, academic, personal, and creative) and Western culture. Each student is given an oral and written placement test before being assigned to a course level. The two beginning-level courses are for nonnative English speakers who need to learn or relearn the basics of English in order to move on to more complex exploration. The main objective of these courses is to prepare students for basic academic English study. The two intermediate-level courses serve to help students raise their English-language proficiencies to those expected of American high school graduates. Through close analysis and study of literature, culture, grammar, and vocabulary, students improve their written and spoken communication skills to higher academic levels. The final two advanced-level courses provide students with the skills and knowledge they need to enter higher education and/or the professional workforce in the United States. We use college-level texts to dramatically raise proficiencies and do practical workshops for resume and cover letter writing, interview skills, professional communication, and much more. www.gieg.org call 770-676-7841 404-277-8771 |