去夏亞城氣功同好邀請旅居北卡州之宣宗生博士,舉行免費“綜合醫學氣功”講座並義務提供健康諮詢,大受歡迎。並有40多人參加學習.這次循眾要求特再邀請宣博士用中文及英文前來亞城介紹 “綜合醫學氣功.”
中文講座時間為三月28日(星期六)上午10點,英文時間為三月29日(星期日)上午10點. 地點皆為GuestHouse Inn Atlanta,2050 Willow Trail Pkwy, Norcross, GA 30093。 講座及治療皆為免費, 機會難得,歡迎各界人士踴躍參加。
宣博士去年八月在亞城教課及治病後, 隨即在九月前往華盛頓,Toronto,十月初到星加坡講座治療。十月中受邀前往台灣新竹科學園,台中,台北,香港演講及開班。 所到之處, 聽眾踴躍, 病人不斷。 自2010 年始, 已免費治癒 700 多人。 其中不乏華人及西人醫生.
宣宗生博士係美國紐約州立賓漢敦比較文學博士及電腦碩士,曾任職美國紐約州立賓漢敦大學講師,美國紐約聯合書院現代語言教授,美國IBM高級軟體工程師,美國CFCC電腦工程講師。自2014年五月從教職退休後,全力推廣其研究中醫及西醫心得,並綜合其研讀之科學,醫學及氣功,研發出其 “綜合醫學氣功”,替人祛病除痛,延年益壽為主。
Free -- Sunday, March 29, 2015 -- Free
“Integrated Medical Qigong (IMQ)”
Presented by Qigong Master Sam Suen, Ph.D.
When/Where: GuestHouse Inn Atlanta, 2050 Indian Trail Parkway, Norcross, Ga, 30039.
Sunday March 29, 2015, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, followed by free health consultation.
Program: Do you know what “Qi” (pronounced as chee) is? Are you able to sense or feel your “Qi”? Do you know that practicing Qigong can help maintain or improve your health, increase vitality and solve some health issues? The presentation will provide a better understanding of what “Qi” is and describe the various practice levels for “Integrated Medical Qigong” (IMQ), a modern integration of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Western medicine to achieve best results of healing that was developed by Qigong Master Sam Suen.
Presenter: Sam Suen, Ph.D. has a BS in Foreign Language & Literature (National Taiwan University), MA in English (WVU), Ph.D. in Comparative Literature (SUNY-Binghamton, NY) and MS in Computer Science (SUNY-Binghamton, NY). His career path included being an Adjunct Lecturer (SUNY-Binghamton, NY), Assistant Professor (Union College, Schenectady, NY), IBM Staff Software Engineer. He retired in May 2014 from being an Instructor at Cape Fear Community College (CFCC), Wilmington, NC.
Qigong Master Suen’s qigong journey began in January 2009 when he partially lost the use of his right hand and suffered a severely frozen left shoulder. His primary care physician prescribed pain / anti-inflammatory medication to no avail. In March 2009, he saw 3 neurologists at Duke University Hospital and was tested with CAT scans, probes, ultrasound, etc., and was diagnosed with “root nerve damage” and was told there was no cure. He was prescribed and performed physical therapy exercises with no improvement.
His wife signed him up for diagnosis and treatment on May 22, 2009 by a visiting Qigong Master from California. His wife also signed him up for qigong classes the next day. During treatment and classes, he experienced strong external movements. One week later, he began to regain the strength of his right hand and three weeks later his left shoulder was completely healed. He continued to practice qigong and began intensive research on qigong and TCM. At the same time, he realized he had attained a high level of qigong practice. In August 2009, he started to treat people (mainly his relatives) for minor health issues, with some experiencing positive results. In 2010 and onward, he began intensive research and studies in Western medicine, with the view of using this knowledge when performing Qi diagnose and treatment.
After he retired from his teaching in May 2014, he was invited to deliver speeches, provide healing and offer classes in Richmond, Va, Atlanta, Ga, Washington DC, Toronto, Singapore, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. So far, he has used his Qigong to heal over 700 patients, including quite a few physicians, all without charges.