Music Do-Re-Mi 7/7-18二个星期的音乐夏令营圆満地结束了。在这短短的二个星期中,孩子们除了每天的音乐课程外,还学到很多非常有趣和对他们生活中有帮助的知识。第一个星期:花卉的种植,怎样来欣赏和爱护我们的环境,自己动手扎染丅 shirts,如何从小开始吃健康食品,风中奇缘,动手做枕头,了解美国原住民,实地考察消防局,让孩子知道防火的知识,学习做灯笼,神奇校车,去比萨店看做比萨的过程,怎样画小提琴,去公园玩游戏野餐。第二个星期:做科学实验,气球为什么向上,了解重力和氢。冻结的雪花和雪球,去动物庇护所,了解昆虫,大家一起动手来做蔬菜汤。孩子们每天兴高采烈地来,依依不舍的走。我们的老师不但热爱教学,更是敬业。
告诉大家一个好消息。新学期开始,Do-Re-Mi 將提供课后班服务。我们有宽敞明亮的课堂,给孩子们一个干净美丽的环境是非常重要的。帮助孩子完成学校的功课,中文功课,不同的孩子不同的教法。我们决不用填鸭式,不能让孩子们出了校门进入另一个校门,让孩子在轻松快乐中学习。除此之外,帮助他们练琴,我们的老师都有很好的音乐素养。DoReMi 的课后教学着重在爱的教育。我们对音乐和知识都抱着同样的热情。我们把两者融合后制定出这套学习计划来启发和挑战孩子们的潜能。
我们的教学主任,Ms. Dianna, 以优异的成绩毕业于University of Georgia的幼儿教育学系。她樂于与幼儿共处,自幼就立志要从事教育工作。除了参加教会短宣,夏令营和学生辅导的义工之外,Ms. Dianna也有多年与小学学龄儿童的教学经验。她三岁就开始学习小提琴和钢琴。从初中到高中,除了管絃乐团之外,还被甄选进入全州和亚特兰大青少年交响乐团。她深信教师的职责是要让学生明白梦不是遥不可及的。梦也没有大小之分。
The job of a teacher is not just to teach. Their job entails more than just helping students memorize the time tables or understanding the scientific method. When one becomes a teacher, she takes on the responsibility of shaping and growing the children of our future. Teachers have the power to inspire, challenge, and grow a child in ways that will benefit them beyond the classroom.
Ms. Dianna说:“老师的工作不仅只是传道授业。他们职责不只是限于类似教导学生九九乘法和地心引力原理之类的工作而已。做为一位老师,他肩负了塑造和提扱後进的责任。老师可以多方的启发、刺激和助长幼儿,使学童在离开了教室之後依然受益。”
Students are always learning, but it may not always be what the teacher is teaching. Sometimes, when teachers focus too much on the material they are teaching, they often forget that the child also picks up on things that we may often overlook. Later on in life, instead of remembering the math formula they were being taught, the student may instead remember the patience the teacher showed them when they couldn’t quite master using the formula. Or the kind words of encouragement that were spoken to him/her when they were frustrated or upset.
学生是不断的在学习,但并不全是在学习老师的课堂教学。有时候老师太过于专注在课堂的教学内容,他们往往忽略了学生们经常也学到了一些老师们 不经意展现的东西。當学生们都长大了,他们除了记得老师教的数学公式之外,他们更记得當年老师不厌其烦的反复演算。或者是當他们遭遇学习困难的时 候,老师们适时给他们的温婉鼓励。
Do-Re-Mi 课后班将在8/2和8/3有一个open house.
10475 Medlock Bridge Rd, #525
Johns Creek, GA 30097