有闲情逸致的朋友们,欢迎一起参加星期四的 4th of July 庆祝活动,增添一丝夏日的快乐气氛。
活動: 免费 音乐会 /火花观赏
時間: 7月3日(星期四)
音乐会 - 晚6点开始 (6pm 乐队 "Maxwell Taylor, Man of 1000 Voices" 7pm, Bruce in the USA - Springsteen tribute band)
夜火花 - 在天黑时开始,预计9:15左右
地點: Lilian Webb Park
5 College St., Norcross, GA, 30071 (770) 417-2212
费用: 免费(自备自需品)
联 系 人: 张燕 404-987-0365 Yan@RetirementSolution101.com
北京联谊会是以北京为共同主体的交流平台,不限于北京人,对北京文化有特殊感情的人士均可加入。作为非政治,非盈利,非福利团体,其活动以轻松愉快为特色, 无会费。欢迎亚城的新朋老友们踊跃参加我们的活动!
July 3 - Red White & BOOM! Pre-Fourth Celebration
Thursday, July 3
Downtown Historic Norcross is having a Pre-Fourth of July block party! We're closing down S. Peachtree St, and filling it with inflatables for the kids (minimal fees apply) plus local eateries and vendors are selling food and libations you can walk around town with and enjoy. Live music begins in Lillian Webb Park at 6pm with "Maxwell Taylor, Man of 1000 Voices" then at 7pm, Bruce in the USA (Springsteen tribute band) takes the stage! Bring chairs early and grab the best spot (there's lots of room) - no tents or glass containers, but coolers are welcome. Then at dusk, the skies will light up with an awesome fireworks display that will get your patriotism pumped! Still in the mood to party after that? Step into our local downtown hotspots and enjoy more live music and libations - the night is young and it's time to CELEBRATE!!