CLICK TO SEE MORE PHOTO AND VIDEO 亚特兰大现代中文学校2013年春季运动会定于4月6日(星期六)在北校的Perimeter Church举行。这次运动会按惯例将进行传统的田径运动项目竞赛,新增多种球类项目的比赛,设有诸
多娱乐型项目和丰富多彩的少儿游戏活动。 一年一度的春季运动会是我们学校的传统盛事,自2001年首届运动会创办以来,一直受到家长
暖。 为了鼓励大家“重在参与”和培养孩子们的团队精神,运动会设
戏。 中文学校历届运动会都是由家长协会主办,目前各分校家长协会成员和理事会成员已经为筹
知识比赛和中国历史、地理和中华文化知识竞赛。希望家 长不要错过这样一个既能让孩子们展示他们的健康
体魄、又能发挥他们的聪明才智的好机会,踊跃报名参加运动会。 运动会的当天下午我们还将举行全校师生、家长的文艺联欢活
科老师。 运动会时间:4月6日上午9:30——下午3:00 运动会地点:Perimeter Church,9500 Medlock
Bridge Rd Johns Creek, GA 30097 亚特兰大现代中文学校校长 龚晓红 ACCA Annual Field Day is
scheduled to be held on Saturday, April 6 at
the North Campus (Perimeter Church). As usual, our field day this year will
feature traditional track and field events,but
there will also be included in the program some new ballgames as well as other
entertainments and games for small children, including some team events such as
relays, 4 x 100 relays (4 x 50 for low grade students), tug-of-war
competitions, table tennis team championship, volleyball and soccer games.
After the sport events, there will be activities and games based on the Chinese
culture and language, such as word riddles, competitions on the basic knowledge
about the Chinese language, culture, geography, and history.
Attached is a registration form for the sports
meet. Please fill out the form and give it to the teacher of your Chinese class
or the class monitor on Saturday (March 16) or
Sunday (March 17). Those students who attend
only enrichment classes may give the completed forms to the teacher of the
enrichment class. Field Day Place:Perimeter
Church,9500 Medlock Bridge Rd., Johns Creek, GA 30097