Dear All,
The Confucius Institute at Georgia State University is very delighted to have CCTV host Mr. Sun Baoyin visit GSU and give a talk on Chinese media this coming Monday, October 15, 2012. Please help spread the word.
Lecture Title: China through the Eyes of a Reporter
Speaker: Mr. Sun Baoyin
Time: 3:00 pm, Monday, October 15, 2012
Location, Troy Moore Library, 939 General Classroom Building, Georgia State University (address: 38 Peachtree Center Ave., Atlanta, GA 30303)
孙宝印,中央电视台资深记者。 曾任中央电视台《东方时空》、 《焦点访谈》记者。主持过中央 电视台中文国际频道(CCTV--4) 《新闻60分》,《今日关注》, 以及新闻频道(CCTV--13)《新闻 调查》等栏目。
中央电视台资深记者孙宝印以媒体人独特的视野,通过近 年来中国发生的几个热点问题,以小见大、以微知著地向 我们讲述中国社会及中国人的变化。1)一个女孩维权的 故事:2009年罗彩霞被人冒名上大学,而她发现后积极维 权,并导致数名官员落马;2)一个城市在发展中的经 历:2011年北京大暴雨暴露了城市建设的脆弱及城市的快 速发展带来的垃圾围城的困局;3)熊胆的故事:活熊取 胆引发的巨大争议;4)钓鱼岛之争:爱恨交织的中国和日本以及中日两国之间复杂的大国关系。
CCTV host Baoyin Sun offers a reporter's perspective on con-- temporary social issues in China through several recent events that have captured the attention of the Chinese public: 1) a col-- lege student's fight for her rights when she was robbed of her admission into college;; 2) the 2011 flood in Beijing and the increasingly pressing issues of urban development;; 3) the use of live bears' guts by a traditional Chinese medicine manufac-- turer and the increasing awareness of animal rights;; and 4) the Senkaku (Diaoyu) Islands and China--Japan relations.