CPANA即将于四月七日星期六下午 2:00PM至5:00PM在 North Fulton Spruill Library 举行第九场摄 影讲座。北美华人摄影协会有幸邀请到了Georiga Primeter College(GPC) 的 Don Dougan先生给 大家作艺术鉴赏方面的讲座。
Don Dougan先生是美国国内较有名气的雕塑家,目前在Georiga Primeter College 任教,是GPC 艺术画廊主任,也是该校Bennett历史博物馆的馆长。Don Dougan先生擅长用各种不同的材料 创造出抽象或写实的作品,他的大多数作品都能表现出人类深层的思想感情和理性特质。
Don Dougan先生也是北美华人摄影协会的老朋友。摄影协会第二届会员摄影作品展,就是在Don Dougan先生的大力帮助和支持下,得以在Georiga Primeter College的艺术画廊举办并获得了极大的成功。在Don Dougan先生不懈的努力下,九位会员的参展作品被Georiga Primeter College的艺术画廊永久收藏。
Art Appreciation among others)课程经验的Don Dougan先生一定会给大家带来一些“摄外的功夫”。学会欣赏和鉴赏艺术和艺术作品,对于提高我们的摄影艺术水平和提高我们的生活水平都将有很大的帮助。希望所有会员务必珍惜这次难得的机会积极参加这次讲座活动,北美华人摄影协会也竭诚欢迎任何对艺术鉴赏有兴趣的朋友前来聆听讲座。会员和热爱艺术的朋友们还可以带上你或者其他人的艺术作品现场请Don Dougan鉴赏。
讲座时间: 2012年4月7日(星期六)下午 2:00PM to 5:00PM
讲座场地: Community Room
Northeast Spruill Oaks Library
9560 Spruill Road, Johns Creek, GA 30022 (770) 360-8820 ()
附Don Dougan个人(a brief bio about Don Dougan with credentials)
Don first began carving soft stone and wood as a teenager before he went to art college and majored in sculpture.His stone carving techniques were primarily self-taught as none of the faculty of the school worked in the medium. Originally from the Pacific Northwest, Don has lived and worked in Marietta since 1974, with his wife Mary Anne, who is also an artist. Don's studio is an hour's drive away from several marble quarries in North Georgia, and Don and Mary Anne have also spent a good part of the past two decades working and teaching in another place also
known for its marble; Italy. On the side of a mountain in Tuscany, Don has taught foundry casting of bronze sculpture and carving of Italian marbles and stone with the University of Georgia Studies Abroad Program in Cortona.
Don has shown his work widely in the Atlanta and Southeast, including the High Museum and the Huntsville Museum of Art, among others. He is known for his abstracted sculptural work in stone and his humorous lip series in bronze and other materials.
Don has also worked as a curator for a local history museum, created displays for several regional art museums, and worked as a designer and fabricator of display materials in the private sector as well Don taught sculpture for twenty years at the Atlanta College of Art, primarily stone and woodcarving classes but also modeling of the figure in clay.
He has also taught for the last sixteen years at Georgia Perimeter College (3-D Design, Sculpture, Drawing, and Art Appreciation among others), and for the last four years has also been the Gallery Director of the seven gallery spaces spread amongst four of the GPC campuses.