^_^ 电脑系统一般都有系统恢复功能,可将您的电脑恢复到Factory 状态。<br>
<SPAN>As soon as your computer is turning on press the F10 key and it will take you to the system recovery screen, click on the advanced option and click Destructive recovery and click next. WARNING: before doing this backup anything on your computer you want to keep pictures,videos,music etc.. this will delete everything that did not come pre-loaded from the factory, so if you have pictures of Aunt Fae's Class reunion you should probably back those up if you wanna keep them.</SPAN><br>
<SPAN>Good Luck!</SPAN><br><BR><BR><IMG onload='javascript:ATL.func.Picture(this,550,550);' src='http://www.atlanta168.com/Api_Uppic/2011-10/131887140890499.jpg'><BR><BR>