活動: 夏日户外活动2--- 露天电影
AUGUST 27th - Free Movie in the Park, "The Princess Bride"
Join us at 7pm in Lillian Webb Park for family fun, then at dusk this wonderful movie begins. Grab a picnic from one of our downtown restaurants and enjoy a relaxing evening and a PG-rated romance that will steal your heart.
Trailer: http://www.imdb.com/video/screenplay/vi1571095833/
時間: 8月27日(星期六) 晚 7点开始
地點: Lilian Webb Park
5 College St., Norcross, GA, 30071 (770) 417-2212
费用: 免费(自备携带椅,小地毯等自需品)
联 系 人: 张燕 770-634-5396 Yan@RetirementSolution101.com
北京联谊会是以北京为共同主体的交流平台,不限于北京人,对北京文化有特殊感情的人士均可加入。作为非政治,非盈利,非福利团体,其活动以轻松愉快为特色, 无会费。欢迎亚城的新朋老友们踊跃参加我们的活动!