2:00 - 2:30 pm - Registration and networking
2:30 - 2:45 pm - Opening remark and Introducing Professor Pan
2:45 - 3:45 pm - Presentation
3:45 - 4:45 pm - Q&A
4:45 - 5:00 pm - present appreciation reward, closing, and photo session.
讲座地址: UPS总部会议厅
Address: 55 Glenlake Pkwy, Atlanta, GA 30328
讲座着装要求:商务正装 (Photo ID is Requested)
讲座后,IT协会和江苏同乡会将在珍珠坊与参会及有兴趣的朋友进行晚餐互动交流,其后有卡拉OK和舞会。 诚邀IT协会会员,江苏同乡会会员,和其他各界友好人士参加!
晚餐时间:6:00 pm
晚餐地点:珍珠坊餐厅:2500 Old Alabama Rd., Roswell GA 30076
晚餐费用:IT会员$15, 非会员$20
联系人:肖春鹏(xiao.acit@gmail), 王军(info2hand@gmail), 钱迈期 (mqqian@yahoo.com)