犹太社区活动中心(MJCC), 亚特兰大现代中文学校 (ACCA),和亚特兰大中华专业人士协会(ACP)将联合举办2011春季公开赛。本次公开赛将采用美国乒协比赛规则,比赛结果将影响选手的个人积分排名。组织者欢迎所有爱好乒乓球运动的朋友(包括亚城周边城市的选手)积极报名参加。现在名额所剩不多,请抓紧时间报名。具体信息如下:
时间: 2011年3月27日,星期天,上午8:00 热身,8:45开始比赛
地点: 犹太社区活动中心 Marcus Jewish Community Center(MJCC), 5342 Tilly Mill Rd ,Dunwoody GA 30338
1)公开组 和1400分组: 8:45小组赛, 1:30复赛。
2)2100分和 800分组: 10:15小组赛, 2:00复赛。
3)1800分和1100分组: 11:30小组赛, 3:30复赛。
公开组:第一至四名, 奖金依次为$400,$200,$100,$50;五、六名:$25
2100分以下组:第一至四名, 奖金依次为$200,$100,$50,$25;五、六名:$10
ACP 会员和中文学校 (ACCA) 的学生有$5报名费的优惠。
Name: |
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Address: |
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Phone: |
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Date of Birth: |
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Gender: |
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Email: |
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USATT Rating (Or Estimated): |
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Home Club: |
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USATT Process Fee |
$7 | |||||
If you are not a registered member of USATT, you need pay $10。 |
$10 | |||||
Events: |
Open $30 |
US2100 $30 |
US1800 $20 |
US1400 $20 |
US1100 $20 |
US800 $15 |
Check one or more |
Total Fee: |
报名截止日期: 3月10日2011年(以邮戳为准)
Association of Chinese Professionals
Attention: Table Tennis Tournament
Theresa Tel: 770-416-7110 Email: peace.tang@gmail.com
Fuqiang Tel:770-279-0281 or 404-439-0241 Email: fxtang@yahoo.com
Huaming Tel:770-883-0630 Email: hust79@yahoo.com
Rating Cutoff: Players under the rating cutoff for an event on March 4 are eligible for that event even if their rating is above the cutoff on the date of the tournament.
Procedures: The highest rated player in each preliminary group will be responsible for recording match results and keeping the group on schedule.
Matches: All matches are best of 5 games.
Rules: The Laws of Table Tennis as published by the ITTF and all USATT regulations will be enforced.
Equipment: Only USATT approved equipment will be used: 18 Butterfly tables and nets; orange Butterfly 3-star balls; Wooden floor.
Rackets: one side of the racket must be bright red, the other side black
Clothing: The USATT Dress Code applies. A wide variety of colors and designs is now permitted. The main color of the body of the shirt or shorts may not be orange. Please dress in appropriate athletic attire. Designs or lettering that are distracting to an opponent or are offensive will not be permitted. Socks and rubber soled, non-marking, shoes must be worn.
Cancellation: The committee reserves the right to cancel the tournament or combine events based on the number of entries.
Directions: From I-285 north of Atlanta –take exit 30 and go north on Peachtree Rd; go 1.1 miles and turn left on Tilly Mill Rd; go .8 miles to the Marcus Jewish Community Center on left. Ask gate attendant for directions to table tennis.
Reporting and Starting Times: Players must register at the desk not later than 15 minutes before the event starting time. Players not on time may be defaulted for the entire event (and replaced by an alternate) at the discretion of the referee.
Practice Time:
MJCC is a free club for table tennis. In MJCC, we are able to play mostly on WED from 4 to 6, SAT from 2 to 5:30, and SUN from 1:30 TO 6 for free. Sometimes the practice time changes. On March 20, there is not practice.
MJCC/犹太社区活动中心(Marcus Jewish Community Center)
犹太社区活动中心(MJCC)成立于1910年,是全美最大的犹太活动中心之一,其宗旨是为亚特兰大的犹太人创造一个良好的活动中心,在亚特兰大生活得更愉快; 但同时,服务于整个社区也是它的宗旨。MJCC的乒乓室每个星期三和星期天下午免费给社区开发,同时给青少年提供免费教练的机会。这次,MJCC 为乒乓球比赛提供了优良的场地,十几张高质量的球台,宽敞明亮的比赛大厅,一定可以使参加比赛的选手们大展雄风,发挥出自己最好的水平。
ACP/亚特兰大中华专业人士协会(Association of Chinese Professionals)
亚特兰大现代中文学校(ACCA)是亚特兰大地区拥有学生最多的中文学校。自1992年成立以来,它致力于营造一个让孩子们学习中文的良好环境,并且开设有数学和英文SAT班。现有南校,北校,和西校三个校区,注册学生超过1200人。中文学校65多位有知识,有奉献心的老师为大家提供了丰富多样的课程,包括中文(汉语拼音和简体字),美术, SAT,儿童合唱等等。
学校详情请访问 www.acca-web.org