I-285的重修是从Ashford-Dunwoody Road到Spaghetti Junction。而I-75的重修是从I-285到 Ga. 54,路段会涉及到Fulton和Clayton等郡。
本次修葺的工程还包括其他一些项目,比如买地加宽一些道路: Cobb County的 U.S. 41,Gwinnett County的Ga.20,Clayton和Fayette等county的Ga.54等。一共有3艺5千万美元的资金预算。据美国运输部的官员介绍,这350万美元是联邦政府从以前的项目中退还给佐治亚州的。
Projects proposed for the Atlanta region:
Repaving Ga. 92 from South Fulton Parkway to the Douglas County line
Fulton County
$1.3 million
Repaving I-285 from Ashford-Dunwoody Road to Spaghetti Junction
DeKalb County
Repaving Ga. 10 from Woodcroft Drive to Goldsmith Road/Memorial Drive
DeKalb County
$2.5 million
Buying land for widening Lithonia Industrial Boulevard
DeKalb County
$2.3 million
Repaving Ga. 155 from the Henry County line to Snapfinger Road
DeKalb County
$1.1 million
Buying land for a future widening of U.S. 41/Cobb Parkway from Paces Mill Road to Akers Mill Road
Cobb County
$19.8 million
Repaving Ga. 8 from James Road to east of the Chattahoochee River
Cobb County
$3.1 million
Repaving Ga. 360 from Powder Springs Road to Ga. 5
Cobb County
Buying land for a future widening of Ga. 20 from east of Burnette Trail to Peachtree Industrial Boulevard
Gwinnett County
$28.5 million
Repaving Ga. 8 from the DeKalb County line to Ronald Reagan Parkway
Gwinnett County
Repaving I-75 from I-285 to Ga. 54
Clayton and Fulton counties