Friday rains just an appetizer for soggy weekend
The northern suburbs were hit hardest by a series of storms that passed through the metro area Friday, but much more rain is expected for Saturday and Sunday.
A 70 percent chance of rain is forecast for Saturday, dropping to 60 percent Sunday. The good news? Cooler temperatures, with highs topping out in the upper-80s. Skies will remain mostly cloudy Friday night, with scattered storms producing heavy lightning popping up across the area, such as the ones reported late this afternoon near Johns Creek on River Ferry Drive. There were no reports of injuries.
根据气象预报,星期六下雨的机率是70%,星期天是60%。对于气温高于80度来说,凉快的气温不失为是好消息。傍晚的预报所说周五晚上的某些地区,如靠近Johns Creek on River Ferry Drive,天空还会是多云,并伴随着雷雹的闪电。没有人员
Heavy rain Friday afternoon prompted the National Weather Service to post a flash flood warning for the Athens area, where as much as 2 to 3 inches of rain fell in about 90 minutes. Cherokee County was also hit hard, with storms causing some property damage at the county school system office.
周五下午的豪雨引起国家气象部门对 Athens地区发出洪水警报,那里的雨量在一个半小时中下了2-3英寸,Cherokee 郡的情形更为严重,暴风雨损坏了郡学校管理系统的办公楼。
Channel 2 Actions News meteorologist Brad Nitz said rainfall is expected
to be from 1 to 2 inches this weekend, but some areas will see more.
二号新闻频道的气象工作人员Brad Nitz报导说:本周末的话雨量将达到1-2英寸,某些地方更大。
That wet weekend forecast could spell trouble for road crews, who planned to begin repaving the eastbound lanes of I-20 in DeKalb County.
周末多雨的预报可能让那些计划在州际20号公路上的工作人员头疼。他们计划在DeKalb County里的东向路段重新铺沥青。
The repaving project that has caused huge weekend traffic jams on I-20
headed into Atlanta from the east this summer will shift to the outbound
lanes this weekend if the weather permits. And that’s a big “if,” as
forecasters are predicting heavy rain for both Saturday and Sunday.
The remnants of a tropical depression that developed over the Gulf of Mexico earlier this week are pumping moisture into Georgia, bringing the deluge.
The state Department of Transportation planned to close the two left eastbound lanes of the interstate from Columbia Drive to Snapfinger Creek, beginning at 9 p.m. Friday and continuing, weather permitting, through 5 a.m. Monday.
在天气允许的情况下,国家交通部将在向东的干道上关闭两条左线,地点在Columbia Drive to Snapfinger Creek;时间在周五下午5:00-周一早上5:00。
South of town, two left lanes of I-85 southbound will be closed between
mile markers 48 and 46 from 7 p.m. Friday until 7 p.m. Saturday, the DOT
The Atlanta Braves play Los Angeles at Turner Field Saturday night and Sunday afternoon, and the Gwinnett Braves have home games scheduled for Friday and Saturday nights, and Sunday afternoon.
星期六的晚上与星期天的下午,在Turner Field 的棒球是亚特兰大的勇士队对洛杉矶队。星期五,六的晚上与星期天的下午,Gwinnett勇士队有本地的赛程。
Also in Gwinnett, expect traffic around the Arena at Gwinnett Center, which is hosting Friday night’s Sean Hannity Freedom Concert, as well as two concerts on Saturday afternoon by The Wiggles.
预计在 Gwinnett的 the Arena at Gwinnett Center周围,星期五的晚上因为有Sean Hannity的自由音乐会,交通会有拥挤,周六下午在那里还有The Wiggles举办的两场音乐会,所以估计会有同样的情况。
-Raisa Habersham contributed to this story
本报导由-Raisa Habersham 提供
