Atlanta matches last year's bad air days and smog season isn't over
亚特兰大的空气污染天数已赶上去年,而 烟雾的日子 还没有结束
The ozone that spread across Atlanta again Wednesday pushed the metro area over the threshold for another violation of federal clean air standards.
Atlanta has now had 14 official bad air days this year -- the same number seen in all of 2009. And the smog season continues through September, meaning more could be on the way.
"We've got another couple months of hot weather ahead of us, it's a safe bet," said Kevin Green, the executive director of the Clean Air Campaign. "So we're not out of the woods yet."
空气净化组织的执行主席Kevin Green认为:"毫无疑问,炎热的天气还将持续数月,
Ozone is cooked from tailpipe emissions and volatile organic compounds
emitted from vegetation and other sources. The key ingredient, heat and
light, has been abundant this summer.
That has left those with asthma, bronchitis and sensitive lungs suffering
from shortness of breath, coughing fits and wheezing, said Dr. Stanley Fineman
of the Atlanta Allergy & Asthma Clinic.
亚特兰大过敏与哮喘诊所的Stanley Fineman医生说:污染的空气使患有哮喘,支气
"The patients who have lung problems clearly have had more difficulty this summer," he said.
The discomfort is compounded by the early onset of ragweed season, he said. Normally, the pollen count is below five this time of year, but it was at 14 Wednesday and seven Thursday, according to the clinic.
The best thing people can do if they are susceptible to either irritant,
Fineman said, is to stay indoors and breathe air that's been run through
an air conditioner.
Fineman 医生认为:对于会受过敏刺激的人们,最好就是呆在家里呼吸空调的空气。
Atlanta will likely exceed last year's number of bad air days because the
forecast for Thursday was for another "Code Orange" violation. (The results of the official measurements will be released Friday.) The orange color code means the air was expected to be unhealthy for those with lung illnesses and for children, who are lower to the ground where ozone gathers and who have developing lungs.
Despite the troubling results so far this summer, Atlanta's air is actually
much cleaner than it was a decade ago. Not only were there more violations in many years prior to 2009, but the standards have been raised since then, said Susan Zimmer-Dauphinee, an official involved in measuring air quality for the Georgia Environmental Protection Division.
"The big story is that the air quality is actually much better that it was
10 years ago," she said. "Even though we have been seeing some code oranges, those concentrations aren't as high as they were in years past."
Credit things like low sulfur gasoline and those rubber gaskets at the fuel pump that prevent volatile organic compounds from leaking into the air, she said.
The federal government is expected to tighten the standard again at the
end of August, meaning lower levels of pollution would result in violations in the future. If Atlanta can't keep on top of the problem, Zimmer-Dauphinee said, the feds may impose new mandates such as those already in place in California where there are restrictions on the use of things such as lighter fluid for barbecue grills.
What can people do? Basically, figure out how to drive less, said Green,
of the Clean Air Campaign. That means carpool, ride a bike or bus and plan trips more carefully to get more done on each one.
人们还有什么可以做的?空气净化组织的 Green认为:研究怎么样少开车,如拼车,
"I think we should be concerned when we have violations of any of the standards," he said, "because breathing is not optional."
