Tai Chi Academy of Wushu and Acupressure(太极武术推拿学院)
wywtka@ymail.com, (678)698-2407
这是首次公开南派太极拳拳谱。2004年,南派“48式原地太极拳”DVD光盘由中国科学文化音像出版社出版,国际出版号:9 787880 718287,中国出版号:ISRC CN-A23-04-0237-O/V G8,ISBN 7-88071-828-1。目前,尚未公开向社会出售。
Southern 48 Form Taijiquan
(南派48式太极拳,nan pai 48 shi taijiquan)
Beginning of Taijiquan (起式, qishi)
1 Brush a knee and push forward. (搂膝拗步, louxi aobu).
2 Cross hands (十字手, shi zi shou).
3 Move forward, hammer down, intercept and punch. (进步搬栏捶, jinbu ban lan chui).
4 A fair lady works at an old loom with a shuttle (玉女穿梭, yue nu chuan suo).
5 A white snake extends out its tongue (白蛇吐信, bai she tu xin).
6 A fishing man's kid plays in water (渔童戏水, yu tong xishui).
7 One step forward, and punch with the right fist (黑虎掏心, heihu taoxin)
8 Turn and have a single whip (转身左单鞭, zhuanshen zuo danbian).
9 Kick with the right foot (右蹬脚, you deng jiao)
10 Kick with the left foot (左蹬脚, zuo deng jiao)
11 A fist under an elbow (退步肘下锥, tuibu zhou xia zhui)
12 A golden rooster stands on its right foot (右金鸡独立, you jin ji du li)
13 Waving Hands (云手, yun shou).
14 Two dragons try to split water in sea (二龙分水, er long fen shui)
15 Turn and punch down in diagonal way (转身指裆捶, zhuanshen zhi dang chui)
16 Double moving blocking palms (二排手, er pai shou)
17 Borrow Flower for Contributing to Buddha (借花献佛, jie hua xian fo)
18 Part the mane of a mustang (野马分鬃, yema fenzong).
19 Sea needle (海底针, hai di zhen)
20 Chenxiang rescued her mom (沉香救母, chenxiang jiumu)
21 Jingang Buddha waves a hammer (金刚捣缒, jingang dao zhui)
22 The face is brushed by light wind (清风拂面, qingfeng fumian)
23 Angel spreads flowers (天女散花, tiannu sanhua)
24 A girl cuts a paper with a scissors (小姑剪纸, xiaogu jianzhi)
25 Let two wolves run away (二狼闪, er lang shan)
26 Meet heaven and ground (天地交会, tiandi jiaohui)
27 Xianren points to the road (仙人指路, xianren zhilu)
28 Grasp a sparrow's tail, right side (右揽雀尾, you lan quewei).
29 Grasp a sparrow's tail, left side (左揽雀尾, zuo lan quewei).
30 Let swallows fly to east wall (燕飞东墙, yan fei dong qiang)
31 Erlang carries two barrels of water on his shoulder with a pole (二郎挑水, erlang tiaoshui)
32 Lead away a goat in passing (顺手牵羊,shunshou qian yang)
33 The heaven king holds a tower in his palm (托塔天王, tuota tianwang)
34 A teenage girl takes off peaches (小姑摘桃, xiaogu zhaitao)
35 Double dragon wind on a pole (双龙盘柱, shuang long pan zhu)
36 Push waves for higher tides (推波助浪, tuibo zhu lang)
37 Stop fighting, you will be ok (回头是岸, huitou shi an)
38 Wave and play Pipa (手挥琵琶, shou hui pipa)
39 Push out the window and watch the moon (推窗望月, tuichuang wang yue)
40 A squirrel steals the pine nuts (松鼠偷果,songshu touguo)
41 The white snake flies out the hollow (白蛇出洞, baishe chudong)
42 Black dragon sweeps its tail (乌龙摆尾, wu long bai wei)
43 A golden rooster stands on its left foot (左金鸡独立, zuo jin ji du li)
44 A couple of purple swallows were too frightened to fly away (紫燕双飞, ziyan shuangfei)
45 Behold the blooms in fog (雾里看花, wu li kan hua)
46 Xiaogu pushes a grinder (小姑推磨, xiao gu tui mo)
47 Listen to a musical instrument and hit a drum (听琴击鼓, ting qin ji gu)
48 Turn, hammer down, intercept and punch (转身搬栏捶, zhuanshen ban lan chui)
Conclusion of Taijiquan (收式, shou shi)