TV Extras needed. Wanna be on TV ??
Get PAID to be on a TV series in Peachtree City
Looking for Asian men and woman of all ages 18 +
Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Malaysian, Burmese, hawaiian – etc…
Must be a legal US citizen with proper documentation and able to work in the US
Time: Thursday March 25th at 6pm sharp
Place: Atlanta Professional Dance Academy
10750 Medlock Bridge Road, Johns Creek, 30097
Mr Wei is allowing us to use his studio from 6 pm to 7 pm only to take a picture and collect your phone number. We would like to see folks in their best suit OR traditional wardrobes. (Traditional / special clothing from your country is a plus )
Please arrive a few minutes early to fill out a small form and we will take a picture on Thursday March 25th at 6pm sharp-
These are paid jobs- we pay 64/ 8 hours work plus overtime- please also let us know your days off from regular activities, that will help us “book “ you for a paid job in advance.