我们大家都认为,现在房地产市场如此低迷,正是投资房地产的好时机。那么,怎么投资?投资那些地方?投资哪一类房地产?哪里能快速而准确地得到价格甚至低于法拍屋的房地产呢?就请你来参加亚特兰大中国商会将于本周日,11月15号2点在图书馆Ocee Library,5090 Abbotts Bridge Rd.;
这次讲座讨论会将由在房地产投资方面经验老道的Alfred Yin主讲。Alfred从1976年即开始在美国做房地产投资,30多年过去了,他分别购买、装修、出租和出售几十栋(套)房屋,每每得手赚钱,无一失手。即使现在房市如此低迷的情况下,他仍然坐拥价值数百万美元的房地产。他将与我们一起分享他30多年的投资经验。
商会将免费提供咖啡、茶水和点心。讲座讨论会时间:11月15日星期日下午2点至4点。地点:Ocee Library,5090 Abbotts Bridge Rd.;
How To Profit in Down Market
My wife and I have been real estate investors since 1976. We have purchased, remodeled, and sold dozens of homes since then. Our current portfolio exceeds two million dollars in real estate assets.
We would like to show our Chinese communities how you can seize the down market opportunity to invest in extraordinary low price homes.
We can show you how to convert your low yield non-performing IRA to self-directed IRA to double your money tax sheltered.
Just last month, we helped a friend purchased this home for $69,950 and after remodeling, we now have a lease purchaser signed a contract for$150,000!
The monthly rent is $1195 thus the rate of return on $69,500 + $8,375 rehab cost = $77,875. $1195x12 month = $14,340/year. $77,875 = 18.4% annual return. When the property is sold at $150,000 at lease end, a profit of $15,000- $77,875 = $72,125 / $78875 = 91.4%!!
We have done it ourselves and are now helping others to take advantage of the down market in real estate.
Come Join Us on
The address of venue:
Ocee Library
Tel: 770-360-8897