路維交響樂團(Ludwig Symphony Orchestra)將在十一月八日下午四時於鼓內中心(Gwinnet Center, Performing Art Center)為您推出”貝多芬的慶典”音樂會。此次將邀請兩位華人傑出音樂家共同演出,來自中國的黃濱,將為您獻上貝多芬小提琴協奏曲,以及來自台灣,現年九歲音樂小天使林冠廷將為您帶來莫札特第二十號鋼琴協奏曲。
林冠廷三歲學琴,六歲開始每年在台北與交響樂團合作,曾演出海頓、莫札特及貝多芬鋼琴協奏曲,演出舞台包括台北中山堂、新舞台藝術中心。 2006年7月於國立教育電台「世界夢想圓舞曲」中錄音演出「莫札特第26號鋼琴協奏曲K.537」 是兼具技巧及音樂靈性的年輕鋼琴家,此次是冠廷首次出國演出。
November 8 2009 04:00pm Gwinnett Center, Performing Art Center
票價 大人:$17
學生 (22歲已下) :$10
敬老: $15
購票請洽 : Ludwig Symphony Orchestra ticket and information 770-623-8623 或404-993-8710 (中文,梁小姐)
黄滨的演奏赢得了各国媒体的高度评价。美国《华盛顿邮报》说:“她的琴声纯净优美,不论是巴赫、勃拉姆斯、莫扎特还是帕格尼尼的作品她都表现得炉火纯青。她在各个方面都是赢家。”巴尔第摩《太阳报》的评论:“她有令人惊叹的天才,她可以让人们起立为她欢呼。”意大利热那亚报纸《La Stampa》称赞道:“她是一位令人着迷的东方小提琴家,她的演奏把人们带到了另一个境界。”黄滨使用帕格尼尼的小提琴(俗称“大炮”)演奏的贝多芬小提琴协奏曲的实况录音,是世界上唯一用这把琴制作成的实况录音CD。最具权威的法国专业古典音乐杂志《Diapason》评论说:“这一把瓜纳利制作的帕格尼尼的小提琴通常都被认为十分难以掌握,但在黄滨的手中却已经被娴熟驾驭。她的发音透亮且动人心弦,她的柔弦变化微妙,恰到好处。她的风格自然、奔放,同时又宁静明朗。这是对该作品的一流诠释。”此CD获得了该杂志的五星最高评价。由拿索斯唱片公司出版、黄滨演奏的《巴罗克小提琴名曲集》也获得国际音乐界的高度评价。
黄滨是活跃在世界各国音乐舞台上上的著名小提琴家,在美国林肯中心、肯尼迪中心、东京歌剧城、比利时的艺术殿堂和汉城的艺术中心等著名音乐厅都举办了个人音乐会。她应邀参加世界各地的音乐活动,其中包括俄罗斯中国文化艺术节、澳门艺术节、捷克国际艺术节、德国德兹巴克音乐节、日本意大利音乐节、芬兰艺术节、意大利Bergamo和Legnano艺术节等。作为莫扎特、巴罗克音乐和乐器的爱好者,2007年度她与著名古钢琴家Kris Bezuidenhoud合作,在美国举办了莫扎特及贝多芬作品专场音乐会。黄滨对莫扎特音乐的演绎得到媒体的高度赞扬,美国公共广播电台古典音乐评论家汤姆·曼诺夫(Tom Manoff)评论说:“她是诠释莫扎特音乐的杰出演奏家,是我多年以来听到的最好的。她如歌的发音纯洁得令人不能忘怀,她的高雅优美使人回想起五十年前那些伟大的小提琴家。”
Born in Detroit, Michigan in 1952, Thomas Ludwig began studying violin at the age of four with his father and continued private studies with Mischa Mischakoff throughout his childhood. In 1970, he was awarded a full scholarship to study violin at the Juilliard School of Music in New York City under the tutelage of Ivan Galamian.
At the age of twenty, Thomas Ludwig was appointed to Music Director and Conductor of the New York City Symphony. During this formative time, critics embraced the young sensation and noted that he was able to "secure brilliant performances of Beethoven and Strauss from a splendid young ensemble.” Ludwig’s early conducting lessons included informal studies with such well renowned names as Leonard Bernstein, Jean Morel and Herbert von Karajan. In 1978, he took a two year break from conducting to study musical composition with John Corigliano. The resulting work, the Symphony No.1 “Age of Victory” was recorded by the London Symphony Orchestra at Abbey Road Studios in England, as well as by the Louisville Orchestra in Kentucky.
Over the past three decades, Ludwig has maintained a dual career as both a conductor and composer. Ludwig has served as resident conductor for the American Ballet Theatre and Mikhail Baryshnikov at the Metropolitan Opera House and while on tour. He has also served as music director for the Washington Ballet and the Atlanta Ballet. For four years, as adjunct professor of music at the American University in Washington, D.C., Ludwig was music director of the orchestra and opera theatre. Hailed as “a prodigiously gifted conductor with a superb baton technique,” Maestro Ludwig has conducted professional orchestras in London, Prague, Florence, Mexico City, Tokyo, China, New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, San Francisco and Washington, D.C.
Called “America's newest symphonist” by Symphony Magazine, Ludwig’s recent Mexico City world premiere of his "Quatro Lyricas Canciones" for soprano and orchestra was broadcast live to 250 million people in a performance by the Orquesta Sinfonica de Mineria. Maestro Ludwig has been a prize winner of the Kennedy Center Freidheim Awards and the Indianapolis Symphony Composer's Competition. His music has been broadcast over National Public Radio, Voice of America and numerous other radio stations. Ludwig's original compositions include three symphonies, a violin concerto, a piano concerto, a string symphony, "Cocoanuts" Overture Fantasie, "Four Songs" for soprano and orchestra and a woodwind quintet.
In 2005, Thomas Ludwig conducted the world premiere of his piano concerto in Toyko, Japan with the Shinegawa Strings at Katsushika Hills Mozart Symphony Hall. In his Chinese conducting debut in December 2005, Ludwig conducted both the Sichuan Broadcasting Orchestra in Chengdu in a New Year's Eve televised performance and the Kumming Symphony Orchestra in it's first performance ever of Stravinsky's Firebird Ballet Suite. This past summer, Maestro Ludwig recorded six clarinet concerti with the Odessa Philharmonic Orchestra in the Ukraine.