Saturday, October 31,3:00 PM in Bailey Performance Center on Kennesaw State University (I-75, 271出口, 向西转,
1000 Chastain Rd, Kennesaw, 30144)
As a guest of our Confucius Institute, the show will be free of charge to you. Since the seating is limited, please RSVP at your earliest convinience with Cathy Liao at 678-797-2646 or confuciusinstitute@kennesaw.edu before October 26, 2009.
Program for the Chinese Cultural Show
By the Ethnic Art Ensemble of Guizhou University
1、苗族女子群舞《踩鼓》 表演者:王煜均 王颖超 等
Miao Girls Group Dance: “Dancing with the Beat of Drums”
by Wang Yijun, Wang Yingchao, etc.
2、彝族民歌《草海牧歌》《彝族酒歌》 演唱者:余 珊
Folk Songs of the Yi People: “Madrigal on the Grassland” and “Toasting Song by the Yi People”by Yu Shan
3、苗族三人舞《阿 幼》《我的花腰带》表演者:粟清玲 涂元元等
Three-People Miao Dance: “A You” and “My Colorful Waist Belt”
by Suo Qingling, Tu Yuanyuan, et
4、二胡独奏《二泉映月》《赛 马》 演奏者:范 斌
Erhu Solo: “The Moon Reflected in Two Springs” and “Horse Race”
by Fan Bin
5、苗族双人舞 《山歌》 表演者:粟清玲 邹 彬
Couple Miao Dance: “Folk Song”
by SuQingling, Zou Bin
6、彝族男子群舞《铃铛舞》 表演者:邹 彬 乌宏志 等
Yi Boys Group Dance: “Dancing with Bells”
by Zhou Bing, Wu Hongzhi, etc.
7、苗族女子群舞《银项圈》 表演者:王雯岚等
Miao Girls Group Dance: “Silver Necklace”
by Wang Wenlan, etc.
8、苗族情歌《春之恋》 演唱者:王邦兰 王邦会
Miao Love Song: “Love in Spring”
by Wang Banglan, and Wang Banghui
Miao Flying Song: “Standing High on the Top of the Mountain”
9、苗族女子群舞《水姑娘》 表演者:涂元元 等
Miao Girls Group Dance: “Water Girls”
by Tu Yuanyuan, etc.
10、侗族大歌《布咕催春》、《蝉之歌》 表演者:吴宇珍 等
Dong Grand Songs: “The Cuckoo Is Calling for Spring” and “Cicada’s Song”
by Wu Yuzheng, etc.
11、花灯歌舞《踩花灯》 表演者:金 鑫 粟清玲等
Huadeng Song and Dance: “Cai Hua Deng”
by Jin Xing, Suo Qingling, etc.
A Brief Introduction on Some Items
苗族女子群舞《踩鼓》 踩鼓是中国贵州苗族特有的民俗节庆活动形式,在中国贵州黔东南苗族地区广为流传。舞者披挂银饰,列队围成圆圈,踏着鼓点起舞,舞蹈轻松热烈,动作欢快,舞步舞姿反复巡回交替,主要有“四方舞”、“中间舞”、“交脚舞”等。当舞蹈跳至高潮时,女声随之伴唱“庆祝歌”,场景热烈,情绪欢腾,展示了热情奔放的苗族同胞乐观向上、开拓进取的精神风貌。此节目曾参加2008北京奥运会开幕。
Miao Girls Group Dance: “Dancing with the Beat of Drums”
Dancing with the beat of drums is a unique way for the Miao people of Guizhou China to celebrate their ethnic festival, which is popular in the Miao areas in the Southwest of Guizhou. Wearing silver decorations, the dancers form a circle and dance with the beat of the drum. The dance is light and inspiring, the movement is full of happiness, the dancing steps and the dancers’ posture are interrelated again and again with the “leisurely and measured dance”.
When the dance reaches its zenith, a female solo, “Song of Celebration”, begins. The whole sight is full of warmth and happiness, reflecting the Miao people’s enthusiastic spirit for development and progress. The dancers were invited to perform at the ceremony of 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing.
Folk Songs of the Yi People:
“Madrigal on the Grassland”
It shows that the Yi people work together and sing happily in the mountains and on the beautiful grasslands to express their love of work and nature.
“Toasting Song by the Yi People”
It describes how the Yi people in Guizhou China express their best wishes for their guests from far away.
苗族三人舞《阿 幼》 清晨的浓雾,山谷幽幽,从贵州远处的苗族村寨传来阵阵鼓声,美丽的阿幼(姑娘)唱着阿妈的歌,踩着欢快的舞步徐徐走来,心里满是对丰收的喜悦,对美好生活的向往……
Three-People Miao Dance: “A You”
Among the thick morning fog in the mountainous areas, sounds of drum-beating come from the distant Miao villages. Beautiful A You is singing her mama’s song and coming up with light dancing steps. Her heart is filled with happiness for harvest and great wishes for a good life.
苗族三人舞《我的花腰带》 贵州苗族姑娘们从小就跟着母亲学习刺绣,绣一根长长的花腰带送给自己的心上人。舞蹈展现了苗族姑娘对美好生活的渴望追求以及对爱情的期盼之情。
“My Colorful Waist Belt”
The Miao girls in Guizhou begin to learn embroidery from their mothers when they were young. They embroider a long beautiful waist belt for their sweethearts. The dance shows the Miao girls’ eagerness for their beautiful life and expectation for love.
二胡独奏《二泉映月》 是中国无锡著名的民间艺人华彦钧(又名瞎子阿炳1893—1950)创作的一首乐曲。这是一首被誉为二十世纪华人艺术精品,又被国际乐坛誉为世界十大名曲的二胡乐曲。乐曲抒发了作者对自己在旧社会辛酸身世的愤懑之情,表现了作者宁折不弯的坚强性格,以及他对美好未来的憧憬。乐曲风格浑朴而苍劲,旋律含蓄深情,意境深远,具有深刻的思想性和强烈的艺术感染力。Erhu Solo: “The Moon Reflected in Two Springs”
It is a piece of music composed by Mr. Hua Yanjun, a well-known folk artist in Wuxi, China, who is also known as the blind-man A Bin (1893 – 1950). The music is regarded as a classic of the 20th century by the Chinese, and also as one of the best ten erhu music compositions in the world by the international music association. It expresses the anger of the composer towards the old society based on the hardships he experienced and his unyielding character as well as his wish for the beautiful future. The music is simple and honest, powerful and impressive. The rhythm is deep in emotion and sense, presenting a strong artistic impression on the people.
二胡独奏《赛 马》 是中国作曲家黄怀海先生于二十世纪60年代初,根据中国内蒙民歌创作的一首二胡乐曲,乐曲情绪热烈、奔放,生动地描绘了内蒙古人民在庆祝自己的节日时,举行赛马活动的热烈情景。
“Horse Race”
The erhu music was composed by Mr. Huang Huaihai, the Chinese composer, at the beginning of the 1960s, based on an Inner Mongolian folk song. The music is lively and vigorous, describing vividly the horse-racing activity that the Inner Mongolians hold to celebrate their own festival.
彝族男子群舞《铃铛舞》 中国贵州乌蒙山中的彝族铃铛舞,以雄浑悲壮、豪放粗狂的形式,刻画了彝族传统的民族尚武意识,数对舞者作跃马扬鞭状,横向有序,变幻无常。舞蹈以鼓、铃铛为节拍,控制节奏的铃声,叫唱起舞。彝家女子的加入,使舞蹈更加绚丽多彩,具有古朴雄浑、大气磅礴的感染力
Yi Boys Group Dance: “Dancing with Bells”
Dancing with bells by the Yi in the Wumeng Mountain in Guizhou China is vigorous and solemn, unconstrained and bold. It demonstrates the Yi tradition of respecting martial art spirit. The dancers ride on horseback and change their movements time and again. The dancers follow the beat of the drums and controlled rhythm of the bells. When the Yi girls join in, the dance becomes more colorful, vigorous and impressive.
苗族女子群舞《银项圈》 银项圈是中国贵州苗族姑娘人人必备的饰物,舞蹈《银项圈》,将其作为道具,并加以舞蹈律动,带给观众强烈的视觉冲击。通过银项圈的抖动、串联等设计,表现了苗族文化的生生不息,源远流长。该节目荣获第六届中国舞蹈“荷花奖”民族民间舞蹈大赛作品银奖。
Miao Girls Group Dance: “Silver Necklace”
The silver necklaces are decorations that all the Miao girls have in Guizhou China. The dance takes silver necklaces as the stage property with rhythmatic dance movements and leaves the audience a very strong visual impression. With the waving of the necklaces and continuous movements, the dance tells people the long life of the Miao culture. The performance has won the silver medal of the Sixth China “Lotus Prize” for Ethnic and Folk Dancing Competition.
Miao Love Song: “Love in Spring”
It is a folk song popularized in the Leishan Area in Guizhou China. The song expresses the girls’ memory of their lovers when the flowers are in blossom in the warm spring.
Miao Flying Song: “Standing High on the Top of the Mountain”
The song is popular in Leishan, Guizhou – the inner center of the Miao people. It is sung by the people in the form of a folk song. The Miao language “Qieyang” means the flying song. It is high in pitch and long in tone, with free rhythm. It expresses the Miao people’s great love of the natural environment and profound emotion towards their friends far away.
苗族舞蹈《水姑娘》 舞蹈主要表现和张扬了中国贵州苗族姑娘率真而浑厚的民族情感,舞蹈以“水”为媒介,巧妙的与苗族舞蹈相结合,将“水”与苗族姑娘融为一体,并赋予了强烈的时代气息,反映出苗族姑娘山一样的胸怀;水一般的柔情……该节目荣获第六届中国舞蹈“荷花奖”民族民间舞蹈大赛作品金奖。Miao Girls Group Dance: “Water Girls”
The dance shows the profound ethnic feelings by the Miao girls in Guizhou China. The dance takes “water” as a medium and integrates technically with the Miao dance. It merges the “water” with the Miao girls, and reflects the strong color of time. The Miao girls have great tolerance and pure feelings. The dance won the gold medal of the Sixth China “Lotus Prize” for Ethnic and Folk Dancing Competition held in Guizhou.
10. 侗族大歌《布咕催春》 中国贵州侗族大歌(声音歌)以模拟鸟叫虫鸣、高山流水等自然之音为艺术特色,是一种多声部、无指挥、无伴奏、具有天然和声的民间合唱,被誉为天籁之声。
11. Dong Grand Songs:
“The Cuckoo Is Calling for Spring”
Dong Grand Songs imitate the sounds of birds and insects, and the sounds of the flowing water and high mountains as the artistic features of the sounds in nature. The grand song is actually a folk chorus … and multi-sounds positions without directing and accompanying music instruments and natural harmony of the sounds. The grand songs are given the name of “Sounds of Nature”.
“Cicada’s Song”
It is a popular ethnic song of the Dong people in Guizhou China and a dialogue between humans and nature. The singers express their internal feelings with the natural sounds. It won the silver medal for “Young Singers Competition” held by CCTV (Central China Television).
花灯歌舞《踩花灯》 中国贵州花灯以民歌小调为伴奏,配以舞蹈的形式把它展现在观众面前,整个舞蹈以一种全新的面貌出现在舞台上。舞蹈演员以边唱边跳的形式,充分的展现了汉族人民能歌善舞,对生活积极向上的态度。该节目在2007年荣获“多彩贵州”舞蹈大赛大奖。
Huadeng Song and Dance: “Cai Hua Deng”
Accompanied by folk songs, Huadeng in Guizhou China presents itself in front of the audience in the form of a dance. The whole dance on the stage is completely new. The actors and actresses sing while dancing, demonstrating to the great extent that the Han people are good at singing and dancing and that they have an active attitude towards life. This program was awarded the grand prize in 2007 for “Colorful Guizhou” Dance Competition.
As a guest of our Confucius Institute, the show will be free of charge to you. Since the seating is limited, please RSVP at your earliest convinience with Cathy Liao at 678-797-2646 or confuciusinstitute@kennesaw.edu before October 26, 2009.