1. 庆典活动命名为:你好,中国(Hello, China);
2. 定于2009年9月23、24(星期三、四)两晚举行,9月23日星期三晚,“庆祝国庆综艺晚会”;9月24日星期四晚,“国庆晚宴”。欢迎各界人士参加,请朋友们在你们的日程表上预留这两个晚上。
3. “筹备委员会”诚挚地邀请亚特兰大侨社所有其它社团共同参与协办,共襄盛举,一起来庆祝祖国的生日。协办社团名单将在节目单上依收到回复先后排名。请务必发EMAIL至:frank.zhou@desma-group.com, seanhu2002@yahoo.com, jungm565@comcast.net, shgong11@yahoo.com
举办这样的大型庆典活动,除了需要整个侨学界的共同参与以外,还需要你的慷慨解囊予以赞助,并且这样的活动也是公司商号大做广告的绝好时机。旅美华人虽身在异国他乡,却时时关心祖国的繁荣发展;而祖国在各行各业的成就,也时刻鼓舞着世界各地的炎黄子孙。国庆庆典筹备委员会感谢社会各界的支持,同时希望同胞们再度携手,赞助庆典活动。关于赞助办法和详情,请发EMAIL至:frank.zhou@desma-group.com, seanhu2002@yahoo.com, jungm565@comcast.net, shgong11@yahoo.com
To commemorate the 60th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China, the Chinese organizations in Metro-Atlanta, including CBAA(Chinese Business Association of Atlanta), ACP(Association of Chinese Professionals, NACA(National Association of Chinese American) and ACCA(Atlanta Contemporary Chinese Academy), are taking a lead organizing a series of celebrating events and activities. A Preparatory Committee for the Hello China Event has been formed, consisting of the four aforementioned organizations, and, after four preliminary meetings, the Committee has come up with the following decisions:
A project of such magnitude requires not only the active involvement of many dedicated organizers, altruistic volunteers, and passionate participants, but also adequate financial support from our local business entities and supportive individuals. We need your generous support for making this event a great success, and we’ll provide you a great opportunity to promote your business and products.
The Preparatory Committee would like to extend our sincere gratitude to all of those who help and support us. Again, your sponsorship is crucial and greatly appreciated. To learn more about sponsorship information, please send your email to the following addresses: frank.zhou@desma-group.com, seanhu2002@yahoo.com, jungm565@comcast.net, shgong11@yahoo.com.
Additional information about the National Day Celebration activities will follow in our email, local newspaper reports, flyers, and posters.
Atlanta Preparatory Committee for the National Day Celebration
July 28, 2009