凡是在海外尤其美国已获博士学位或即将博士毕业的高层次人才有意回国的,都欢迎前来参加此次宣讲会。 演讲人:韩敏(博士、教授)大连理工大学控制与自动化与专业的教授;同时担任大连理工大学人事处副处长兼人才工作领导小组办公室副主任,分管人才引进工作。2009年全年在美国华盛顿-圣路易斯大学作为访问教授合作研究,并负责美国等北美地区大连理工大学人才招聘和引进工作。 欢迎您在百忙之中能参加本次宣讲会! Time: 6PM-7:45PM (5:30PM-6PM, Social Time), Thursday, 06/18/2009
Location: Georgia Tech Student Center (Room 2206) - 350 Ferst Drive, N.W. , Atlanta , Georgia 30332-0458
Snacks/Drinks: Available
Parking: The Student Center Visitor Lot - see below
The Student Center Visitor Lot is located adjacent to the Student Center. |
Fees |
$0.75 per half hour |
Directions from North Avenue |
Turn onto Cherry Street and then left onto Ferst Drive. The visitor's parking lot is adjacent to the Student Center |
If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Cao at 678-558-8008.