玉山科技協會(MJSTA)與亞城華人IT協會(ACIT)將於星期六4月11日,3:30 PM在文教中心聯合舉辦關於網路銷售的研討會。
網路是容易並且強有力的銷售的媒介,特別是在當前經濟不好的期間。 在網路上做生意是容易的,但由它賺錢是不容易的。MJSTA and ACIT特邀請二位講員,邱耀輝先生和李本平先生,皆是老練的網路賣主,並且以在網路賣產品為生。 邱先生建立了他自己的網站來賣LED顯示板。 李先生從中國進口各類產品並在E-Bay銷售這些產品。 兩位講員將與MJSTA及ACIT的會友和朋友們分享他們的秘密。 他們將解釋在網路賣物品的各步驟及方式。
MJSTA與ACIT邀請感興趣及想創業的成員和朋友們來學習及分享網路賣物品的經驗。門票為MJSTA或ACIT會員是$5,非會員是$10。更多請信息聯絡錢平忠(770)361-5970或鲍俊濤(678)596-4418。文教中心位於5377 New Peachtree Road, Atlanta, GA 30341。
Monte Jade Science & Technology Association (MJSTA) and Atlanta Chinese IT Association (ACIT) will join host a seminar on Internet Sales on April 11, Saturday, 3:30 PM at Chinese Culture Center located at 5377 New Peachtree Road, Atlanta, GA 30341.
The Internet is an easy yet powerful medium for business, especially during the current economy down turn. It is easy to start a side business on the Internet, but it is not easy to make money from it. MJSTA and ACIT have invited two speakers, Mr. Fred Chiou and Mr. Michael Li. Both are experienced sellers over the Internet and who make living by selling products on the Internet. Mr. Chiou established his own website and sells LED displays from his website. Mr. Li imports merchandises from China and sell them on the E-Bay. Both will share their secrets with members and friends of MJSTA and ACIT. They will show simple step-by-step way to sell goods on the Internet.
MJSTA and ACIT invite their members and friends who are interested to start a side business from their home. Ticket for MJSTA or ACIT members is $5 and non-member is $10. For more information please contact Peter Chyan (770)361-5970 or Juntao Bao (678)596-4418.
IT协会鲍俊涛副主席应邀赴四川讲座,访问灾区(100+张照片) ACIT创业论坛系列(四)汪耀博士 “SAP技术及产品介绍” 演讲会成功举行