此間消息,以亞美語言服務公司(A-A Language Services),協同合稱為“大使之友”的古騰幸傳媒公司(Sachi Koto Communications)、全國亞裔專業人士協會亞特蘭大分會(NAAAP)、喬州日美協會(The Japan-America Society of Georgia)、美國泛亞裔商會東南分會(USPAACC-SE)、社區行動夥伴(Partnership for Community Action, Inc.)、亞美福祉中心(Asian American Resource Center)、亞美新聞工作者協會亞特蘭大分會(AAJA)、亞特蘭大柬埔寨裔社區等社團組織和可口可樂、UPS等公司將於11月12日晚6:00至8:30,於UPS總部的創建人大禮堂組織歡迎前美國駐聯合國大使,徐西泉大使 (H.E. Ambassador Sichan Siv)與亞特蘭大亞裔社區見面,並為他的自傳新書《金色傲骨》(Golden Bone)給讀者提供簽名紀念。本書分享他從一個柬埔寨難民,一路奮鬥到白宮的人生故事。對所有美國的新移民,尤其是亞裔新移民,徐西泉大使的人生堪稱楷模。他的人生故事非常生動感人,鼓舞人心。他是美國所有亞裔移民們的驕傲。
徐西泉大使 (H.E. Ambassador Sichan Siv) - 曾擔任白宮老布希總統的特別助理,及國務院助理國務卿幫辦,前美國駐聯合國大使,為主管經濟與社會理事會的美國第二十八任大使,任期2006年止。
本項活動的組織者們歡迎所有亞裔社團組織加盟,如有興趣,請與亞美語言服務公司關學君先生取得聯繫,聯絡電話:770-623-6688或電子郵件:Garry@aals.com。活動對公眾開放,有意參加者,請在全國亞裔專業人士協會亞特蘭大分會的網站上預定座位。網址為:http://www.naaapatlanta.org。UPS總部的創建人大禮堂的地址為:55 Glenlake Pkwy, NE, Sandy Springs, GA。
Contact: Campbell Wharton
(212) 207-7362
The amazing true story of Sichan Siv who escaped the killing fields of Cambodia to become an important figure in Washington.
An Extraordinary Journey from Hell in Cambodia
to a New Life in America
By Sichan Siv
Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations
“The uplifting saga of a man who escaped genocidal Cambodia, became a U.S. citizen, then served in the Bush I and II administrations. Moving and frequently educational.” —Kirkus Reviews
“The story is always compelling, and Siv moves the narrative forward by raw force of will.”
—Publishers Weekly
Sichan Siv’s unbelievable journey from certain death halfway around the world in the killing fields of Cambodia to the corridors of power of Washington, D.C. is the basis for the new book, GOLDEN BONES: An Extraordinary Journey from Hell in Cambodia to a New Life in America (Harper/HarperCollins Publishers, July 1, 2008)—a classic American immigrant success story. Siv’s life offers a searing glimpse into the soul of a man who endured the worst horrors humanity can face and how he was remarkably able to transcend these into an inspirational testament to the triumph of the human spirit in the face of true evil.
In 1975, as the U.S. presence in Vietnam ended, in neighboring Cambodia the Khmer Rouge came to power. They began a vicious genocide to return Cambodia to an agrarian society. They imprisoned, enslaved, and murdered anybody who disagreed with their “revolution,” resulting in the harrowing “killing fields”—rice paddies where the harvest yielded nothing but human bones. Sichan Siv, a young man at the time and a target since he graduated from university, was told by his mother to run and “never give up hope!” Removing his glasses (since only intellectuals wore them), he set out to bicycle across Cambodia. Captured and put to work in slave labor camps, Siv knew it was only a matter of time before he would be worked to death—or killed. With a daring escape from a logging truck and a desperate run for freedom through the jungle, including falling into a dreaded pungi pit, Siv finally came upon a colorfully dressed farmer in Thailand.
GOLDEN BONES is also an exciting survivor story. While Siv loses family members and his country to the communists, his spirit is never broken. After spending months teaching English in a refugee camp in Thailand while regaining his strength, eventually he was allowed entry into the United States. Upon his arrival in America, Siv kept striving. Working variously as an apple picker in Connecticut (he saw his first Fourth of July parade in Vermont), and a cab driver in New York, he became a graduate student at Columbia University. During this time he befriended Dith Pran—subject of The Killing Fields.
Siv’s hard work and perseverance were noticed while volunteering on the campaign of George Bush in 1988, and he was offered a job in the White House as Deputy Assistant to the President for Public Liaison, and as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for South Asia. In 1992, Siv returned with some trepidation to Cambodia as a senior representative of the U.S. government. It was an emotionally overwhelming visit that he recounts in the book.
In October 2001, he was nominated by President George W. Bush and became a United States Ambassador to the United Nations.
Sichan Siv has come a long way. A proud American, he is now in demand as a speaker at universities and businesses around the country, where his incredible life saga never fails to get an ovation. GOLDEN BONES is not only a story for the 13 million Asian-Americans who now make up the fastest-growing ethnic minority in the United States, but also for anyone who has ever had to find triumph over adversity.
Sichan Siv was nominated by President George W. Bush in October 2001 and unanimously confirmed by the Senate as a United States Ambassador to the United Nations. In the administration of the 41st president, George Bush, Ambassador Siv served as Deputy Assistant to the President for Public Liaison and Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for South Asia.
Ambassador Siv holds a Master of International Affairs from Columbia University. He was born in Cambodia and resettled as a refugee in Wallingford, CT. He is married to the former Martha Pattillo of Pampa, Texas. They spend their time in San Antonio, New York, and beyond.
An Extraordinary Journey from Hell in Cambodia
to a New Life in America
By Sichan Siv
Published by HarperCollins Publishers
On sale: July 1, 2008
ISBN: 9780061340680 Price: $25.95 Pages: 340
Sichan Siv was nominated by President George W. Bush in 2001 and unanimously confirmed by the Senate as a US ambassador to the UN, serving till 2006. In June 2005, Ambassador Siv addressed the 60th anniversary of the UN in San Francisco, following a tradition set by Presidents Truman in 1945, Eisenhower 1955, Johnson 1965, Secretary of State Schultz 1985, and Clinton 1995.
From 1989 to 1993, during the administration of the 41st president, George Bush, Ambassador Siv served as Deputy Assistant to the President for Public Liaison, and as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for South Asia. In the private sector, he has held positions in social services, educational exchange, financial management, and investment banking.
Ambassador Siv holds a master of international affairs from Columbia University. He escaped Cambodia’s killing fields in 1976 and was resettled as a refugee in Wallingford, Connecticut. He and his Pampa, TX born wife Martha reside in San Antonio. He recounts his American dream in Golden Bones, published by HarperCollins in July 2008 in honor of America’s 232nd Independence Day.