<span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: 'Times New Roman'; line-height: 28px; "><font>9</font> 楼的,能告诉大伙都卖些什么吗?再者,据统计仅有约1/3买者会留FEEDBACK。那你可能在5个月卖了约2500-3000件商品,也就是一天卖10-20件。您是FULLTIME做吗?是DROP SALE吗?否则这打包邮寄很花时间的。</span>
游客IP:98.92.171.*发布于 2010-12-14 12:1110 楼#
...and more, i even have time to 打嘴仗 in 168.<br>
游客IP:98.92.171.*发布于 2010-12-14 12:049 楼#
假如每个月能赚出四,五十块的话, 还是开店好. Listing fee is 5 cent/item for a medium store ($50/month) compared to $0.50/item without a store registration. The listing fee can be as low as 2 cent/item for a pro store with a monthly charge around $200. The more items you listed, the better chance you get through an auction, then you will get more positive feedbacks if everything goes well, which in around bring even better business to your store in a positive way.<br><br>I became the top-seller after only 3 months and got over 800 positive feedbacks (100% with 4.94 out of 5 stars) within 5 months. Now I won't never fear somebody cutting a pink slip to let me go.<br><br>Good luck! <br>
作者: 时间:2010年12月14日 06:50 查看全文