ACE 2010 Calendar of Events 第+七屆亞洲文化節 (節目介紹) Saturday, July 31st , 2010 七月三十一日(星期六) REGISTRATIONS 註冊登記地點: Desk next to Ticket Booth - Lower
时间:2010年07月24日 20:17 查看全文
游客IP:74.184.15.*发布于 2010-07-29 18:197 楼#
Ticket Info is at bottom of message.<br /><br />訂購門票方式如下:<br /> 1) 網上訂購門票資料如下 <br />門票票價: 成人$12,學生(出示學生證)$8,小童年龄七歲以下免费。<br />
游客IP:71.12.161.*发布于 2010-07-29 18:086 楼#
where is the damn place? It should tell the public the location, time and ticket price first, at the beginning of this announcement. You can not find the location if you do not red until the last line to clik the link. You are not an Asian, being so inconsiderate.
时间:2010年07月24日 20:17 查看全文