我不知道您得到什么好处了,我还没有看出来?<br>If you live in Jones Creek, check you tax bill, you will see that you have city tax now (if you do not have it before), that is the benefit you get (not mention about the police fines) - pay more tax. When we voted for this new city, I voted against it. I think that as Chinese we should be more active on social events. Next time, when they need your vote, please let your voice heard. <br>
游客IP:216.88.21.*发布于 2010-03-25 09:5412 楼#
我不知道您得到什么好处了,我还没有看出来?<br>If you live in Jones Creek, check you tax bill, you will see that you have city tax now (if you do not have it before), that is the benefit you get (not mention about the police fines) - pay more tax. When we voted for this new city, I voted against it. I think that as Chinese we should be more active on social events. Next time, when they need your vote, please let your voice heard. <br>
游客IP:10.1.22.*发布于 2010-03-25 08:5211 楼#
In most city of the US, if you do not know the speed limit, or there is no sign on the road, the DEFAULT speed limit is 35 MPH. Keep this in mind while driving on the local.<br>
游客IP:139.76.224.*发布于 2010-03-25 08:3410 楼#
<P><STRONG>早晚在 Old Alabama 上</STRONG><STRONG>开车也要特别小心,警察经常躲在某个社区门口。</STRONG> </P>
<P>每次在Pleasant Hill上开车,在City of Duluth那段俺都得格外小心,就像4楼说的那样,总保持在Speed Limit以下。每次经过那里,几乎都会看到警察抓到倒霉的。</P>
游客IP:74.60.224.*发布于 2010-03-25 04:024 楼#
分不清警察和强盗有什么不同。DULUTH和JOHNS CREEK的警察干得最好的事就是以法律的名义开罚单抢劫。市民们敢怒不敢言或敢怒敢言但没用。绝大多数人选择交了买路钱息事宁人走人。<br>相信很多都有类似的经历,但个人的力量是有限的。呼吁亚城几位华人律师挑头,FILE CLASS ACTION AGAINST DULUTH和JOHNS CREEK的警察局。<br><br><br>
作者: 时间:2010年03月24日 17:09 查看全文