why keep silent??speak out and tell us what is going on
游客IP:76.111.35.*发布于 2009-11-27 06:1915 楼#
why keep silent??speak out and tell us what is going on
游客IP:68.219.173.*发布于 2009-11-25 16:2814 楼#
<P>1-7楼,甚至8-9楼,你(们)现在发这些帖子,是否别有用心?! 在上周末理事会和家长开过了公开会议后,再来发这些文字,表面看是要攻击原校长,实则要跳起事端阿!</P>
<P>我不认为你(们)是<FONT size=5>蒙面理事,</FONT>不然可真是愚蠢透顶!如果你真是22楼,请问你是否要在168上voluntary to do some work for ACCA by starting another debate? 是不是火鸡没烤熟吃了不消化,要在这里运动运动?!</P>
<P>Happy Thanksgiving!</P>
游客IP:68.10.19.*发布于 2009-11-25 14:1913 楼#
<DIV class=User-Name>游客21:</DIV>
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<DIV class=User-Name>Who are you? Why do you think I am a member of ACCA board? </DIV>
<DIV class=User-Name> </DIV>
<DIV class=User-Name>I am very sorry I never did any voluntary work for ACCA. never be a member of the ACCA even though my children attend ACCA.</DIV>
<DIV class=User-Name> </DIV>
<DIV class=User-Name> </DIV>
<DIV class=User-Name>游客15</DIV>
<DIV class=User-Name> </DIV>
<DIV class=User-Name>I just post part of the document I got from the board. OK? Stupid</DIV>
作者: 时间:2009年11月24日 18:26 查看全文