<P><FONT face=Times>我收到的货里有一个在家里用的modem,还有一个air card。 所以 whole family 用 一个modem at home, 外出的人可以用一个air card。 </FONT></P>
<DIV class=User-Name>读了卞人和游客3的评论、链接。好像Clear的技术好,但customer service不好。
<P><FONT face=Times>到货第4天后,我就退货,所以他们对我还客气。全额退款。</FONT></P></DIV>
<DIV class=User-Name>卞人: I think even if someone has multiple people use Internet at home, he/she can use a router, if he/she would like to use Clear.</DIV>
<DIV class=User-Name> </DIV>
<DIV class=User-Name><FONT face=Times>谢谢各位。</FONT></DIV>
游客IP:170.140.142.*发布于 2009-10-21 13:096 楼#
Thanks to <span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: Times; font-size: 14px; line-height: 25px; ">卞人. Since my whole family needs internet at home, we will stay with Comcast at this moment.</span>
卞人发布于 2009-10-21 09:335 楼#
Clear is next generation wireless (4G, WiMax) network. At this moment, it is at its early deployment phase. If your home has good reception and you don't have multiple people use Internet at home, Clear would be a good option, As you can get on Internet at home and outside where Clear signal can be received (quite portion of Atlanta area). You basically carry high-speed Internet access with you. <br><br>The speed of Clear so far is about the same when browsing Internet. But download large file is obviously slower than Comcast Cable Modem.<br>
<P>I don't use it. But some reviews are as fellow:</P>
<P><A href="http://www.my3cents.com/productReview.cgi?company=Clearwire">http://www.my3cents.com/productReview.cgi?company=Clearwire</A></P>
游客IP:24.30.95.*发布于 2009-10-20 16:352 楼#
谢谢。 郭先生您真是个热心的好人。
老郭发布于 2009-10-20 16:201 楼#
<P> 我“用过”。 我在朋友家用过, 很好,于是我订了个。“Clear” 是一种wireless internet。 订时就告我我家没信号。 到货后,发现真的不行。于是退货,一分钱没要。 你可到<A href="http://www.clear.com">www.clear.com</A> 查查。 点击右上角的 coverage。 我刚才又用我的地址试了试。 看到:<FONT size=2>We're sorry. </FONT><FONT size=2>We do not currently offer CLEAR service at this location </FONT></P>
作者: 时间:2009年10月20日 15:43 查看全文