Q: Do Chinese eat dogs? A: Yes.We eat a lot of dogs. And cats,too. Especially on your "Thanks giving" day. Besides, turkeys are our favorite pets. W
作者: 时间:2009年09月25日 12:36 查看全文
游客IP:76.122.120.*发布于 2009-09-25 14:351 楼#
<P>Q: Do Chinese eat dogs? <BR>A: No, only a very small groupe of Chinese do it. I guess that less than 0.001% Chinese eat dog. More than 99% Chinese never eate dog for whole life. We love animal. We do not like eat turckeys. More than 99% Chinese never eat turkeys for whole life. We do not understand the following truth. Almost every American bosts himself/herself as animal lover, but almost every American eat turkets a lot. Is a turkey not animal?<BR><BR><BR>Q: China is becoming strong. Does your government want to take over the world? <BR>A: No. After we become powerful, we will never invade any small countried like Iraq and Afghanistan. <BR><BR><BR><BR>Q: Why doesn't your government give Tibet back to its monks? <BR>A: Some of monks are main officers at Tibet and Central Chinese Goverment. By the way, do you have pure local Indian as important officer at every state and Federal goverment?</P>
<P><BR>Q: Are the products made in China very cheap? <BR>A: Yes, because American boss and other rich boss refuse to give Chinese worker a good salery, and your American took the mojority profit from Chinese. Does it looks ugly as someone eat it enjoy it and complain it?<BR><BR>Q: You have 1.4 billion people. Now what do you want to do with it? <BR>A: Let me think anout. How anout this way, find a new planet. Kill the native people there, and move in. American have experince, can you teach Chinese how do it?<BR><BR><BR>Q: Why are you the only kids in your family? <BR>A: Because our parents don't fuxk around.<BR><INPUT id=gwProxy type=hidden><!--Session data--><INPUT id=jsProxy onclick=jsCall(); type=hidden></P>
作者: 时间:2009年09月25日 12:36 查看全文