2009年8月23号,亚城华人社区在中国城的侨教中心为南台湾台风灾民举行了募捐活动 (详情请点击:募捐晚会大成功,获32万(组图,视频)) 点击此处浏览捐款总结项移交仪式全部照片(部分照片由Mike Wang 和 Jintao He 提供) 亞城有愛「台灣八八水災募款」活動共募得 $365,15
时间:2009年09月12日 01:13 查看全文
游客IP:64.12.117.*发布于 2009-09-18 12:2312 楼#
<P>You are right, I will not complaint if this is other people. Please </P>
<P>check around to see what exactly character he is. Thank you for </P>
<P>your advice.</P>
<P> </P>
<P> </P>
<P> </P>
You can see the wine in the above pictures. Edward Sun and Ray Wang got the auction bid from Jimmy, then generous shared with everyone in the final meeting on Sep. 10 Thursday.
游客IP:205.188.117.*发布于 2009-09-17 14:248 楼#
<P>Sorry, my computer can't work out with Chinese, otherwise, it's</P>
<P>even better for me to write in Chinese. I supposed not to tell how</P>
<P>much I contributed, please forgive me if I offend anybody. Honest</P>
<P>speaking, it doesn't care how much we contribute. Even $1.00 with</P>
<P>good heart is better than promise and without doing it, we need</P>
<P>an honest and healthy community, we don't need dishonored </P>
<P>people surround us. God blessed all of us.</P>
游客IP:205.188.117.*发布于 2009-09-17 13:457 楼#
<P>Ho, </P>
<P>I did US$5,000.00 cash plus three bottles rare wine bid over US$3,000.00</P>
<P>total US$8,000.00.</P>
<FONT face=Arial></FONT>
<DIV>Dear all,</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>According to my bad memory one month ago, former Chairman TU of Atlanta Taiwanese Chamber Commerce (ATCC), pledged that he wanted to contribute US$30,000.00 for the 8/8 Flood Victim Fund</DIV>
<DIV>at Atlanta to ATCC. and, at the mean time Former commissioner of overseas compatriot committee Cheng</DIV>
<DIV>said that Tu hired helicopter to the disaster village and rescued fourty some victims......?!</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Is anyone can explain, what is the reason that Tu wants to give the fund at Taipei instead of at Atlanta? If the fund is going to hand out at Taipei, based on what reason (rule) that they have the right to stand at the Atlanta stage waste our precious 30 minutes (it's one minute per one thousand US Dollars) and gave nothing to our Atlanta. </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>We all ( over 500 good heart and good will people), were tricked by his joke that exciting night, we praised for his benevolence ,his generous contribution and after 30 days, the account is closed and there's still no any sign of fund to ATCC. </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Does he owes our community an apology, doesn't he? </DIV>
<DIV> (If interested, please e-mail back to vote for or against?)</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Jimmy Ho</DIV>
时间:2009年09月12日 01:13 查看全文