地下室有漏水。 不知有哪位可推荐个专家修理? 谢谢! it seems that there was/is water leakage problem in the basement and I would like to ask a foundation expert to take a look
时间:2009年08月29日 00:50 查看全文
游客IP:71.12.161.*发布于 2009-08-29 09:202 楼#
your pipe above is leaking so where
游客IP:61.218.52.*发布于 2009-08-29 06:531 楼#
1. Fix it ASAP. Do not wait as water can cause more trouble for you.<br>2. Shop around, i.e. use kudzu to find several contractors to look at it.<br>3. See if your insurance can cover the cost.<br><br>
时间:2009年08月29日 00:50 查看全文