回11、12楼,不一定非要舞伴,现代拉丁舞即使没有舞伴也是可以一个人随着音乐随意地跳起来的。<br>这里有两段恰恰舞的视频<br>http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjMxNzg0MjQ=.html<br>DJ经典拉丁《Chilly Cha Cha》MV<br>http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTY1MjI0MDc2.html <br><br>经典劲爆 拉丁恰恰舞曲Chilly Cha Cha
游客IP:162.192.63.*发布于 2014-03-26 16:5417 楼#
Thank J&J 舞沙龙 for organizing such dance parties, every time I go, I learn a few new dance steps.<br><br>But I do hope the music could be<b> more energetic</b>, and wish the <b>songs can be played non-stop</b>, so that dance lovers will be entertained in the wonderful atmosphere and enjoy themselves !<br><br>That's the way to attract more young people : louder music so you can feel the energy in the air !<br><br><br>
作者:liuamada 时间:2014年03月10日 08:06 查看全文