他们的第一步Zoning已经得到了政府批准, 委员会4比2投票批准, 11月5日批的。下一步是11月18,7:00pm City Council meeting <br>谁认识韩国侨领呀跟他们聊聊?印度人?<br>
游客IP:153.2.247.*发布于 2013-11-07 03:5116 楼#
看来32楼信主啊。这很好,鼓励一下。32楼你再想想如果你家旁边有家Funeral Home,你会好过吗?看看圣经怎么说的,Luke 6:31:<span lang="EN-US"><font face="Times New Roman" size="3">Do to others as you would have them do to you. 作为基督徒,您还是不发言为好。</font></span><br>
<span style="font-family: 'Times New Roman'; font-size: 14px; line-height: 25px;">这就是一个</span><span style="font-family: 'Times New Roman'; font-size: 14px; line-height: 25px;">火葬场!</span><span style="font-family: 'Times New Roman'; font-size: 14px; line-height: 25px;">焚烧尸体火化服务+傧仪馆。</span><div><span style="font-family: 'Times New Roman'; font-size: 14px; line-height: 25px;">房价绝对降,谁愿意闻那个味道?在后院乘凉的时候?</span></div>
游客IP:24.98.246.*发布于 2013-11-06 16:2512 楼#
游客IP:24.125.140.*发布于 2013-11-06 16:1711 楼#
<span style="font-family: 'Times New Roman'; font-size: 13.63636302947998px; line-height: 24.545454025268555px;"><b>”会闻到特殊的气味(烤肉,烧脂肪十烧毛发的综合气味),闻后你一星期都不想吃肉。“ </b></span><div><span style="font-family: 'Times New Roman'; font-size: 13.63636302947998px; line-height: 24.545454025268555px;">心里发毛。。。</span></div>
游客IP:24.199.220.*发布于 2013-11-06 13:5610 楼#
游客IP:71.59.22.*发布于 2013-11-06 12:339 楼#
The applicant (Wages and Sons) did not satisfactorily answer our questions about handling Formaldehyde from embalming of the bodies, the water runoff or the driveway safety.<div><br></div><div>这是一个有焚烧尸体火化服务的傧仪馆! 这里提到了火葬的烟火气味外排问题没有得到满意的回答!一些邻近的居民在门外会闻到特殊的气味(烤肉,烧脂肪十烧毛发的综合气味),闻后你一星期都不想吃肉。跟据风向的变化和强度方圆2英里的房子都能闻到! 对JC的官员不负责任的态度不满意!<div><br></div><div>人死了,在哪里举行纪念仪式都好,用不着在闹市中心烧给別人闻吧?</div></div>
游客IP:166.147.121.*发布于 2013-11-06 10:388 楼#
游客IP:12.43.40.*发布于 2013-11-06 09:387 楼#
支持楼主, 抵制此项动议
夜明珠发布于 2013-11-06 07:426 楼#
游客IP:98.192.11.*发布于 2013-11-06 07:235 楼#
Updated news,<br><br><p id="yui_3_13_0_1_1383758494276_1825">
Thank you so much for attending the planning commission meeting in big numbers.<br>
<p id="yui_3_13_0_1_1383758494276_1826">On 11/05/13, the planning
commission approved the driveway to future funeral home by 4-2 votes.
Our member presented four significant risks to this project, including:<br>
<p id="yui_3_13_0_1_1383758494276_1827">1. Safety concerns - There is a
steep drop in the gradient of the property in question. Driving in and
out of the driveway will be dangerous especially given the fact that it
is very close to the intersection (about 250 ft), two church exits,
Foxdale exits, not to mention two new exits coming from the new
subdivision on Bell Road.
<br>2. Water run off - With an annual rainfall of approximately 50
inches, for just the driveway, 225,000 more gallons of water will run
off. Add the proposed Funeral Home, 20 million more gallons of water
will run off.
<br>3. Noise – Currently the property in question for the proposed
driveway is covered by old-growth, tall vegetation. Cutting down trees
implies no sound barrier between hwy 141 and the residential
<br>4. Funeral Home: Clear cutting the lots will multiply the problems mentioned above.<br>
<p id="yui_3_13_0_1_1383758494276_2061">The commissioners chose to still go ahead and approve the driveway.<br>
<p id="yui_3_13_0_1_1383758494276_2062">Here is how they voted:
<br>Yea: Mr. Stan Hicks, Ms. Kerry Middlebrooks, Ms. Rose Shane, Mr. Chip Floyd
<br>Nay: Mr. Steve Broadbent, Mr. Emmett Shaffer<br>
<p id="yui_3_13_0_1_1383758494276_2063">The applicant (Wages and Sons)
did not satisfactorily answer our questions about handling Formaldehyde
from embalming of the bodies, the water runoff or the driveway safety.<br>
<p id="yui_3_13_0_1_1383758494276_2064">We urge you to please forward
this petition link to as many people as possible, so that we have many
more signatures for the next city council meeting on Nov 18, and to come
and attend this meeting in large numbers.<br>
<p id="yui_3_13_0_1_1383758494276_2065">Thank you all for your support.<br>
时间:2013年11月05日 11:21 查看全文