<P>Its great & she once hated MJ, but after getting the facts, she thinks he was set up & totally innocent.</P>
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游客IP:71.199.151.*发布于 2009-06-29 21:242 楼#
<P>Well, i am sold. After reading crime writer Aphrodite Jones's book 'Michael Jackson Conspiracy' i am convinced Michael Jackson was set up for crimes he did not commit. I will admit, i was one of those people who actually thought Michael was guilty of all these allegations, i mean after all he is a lil 'strange'.<BR><BR>The author, Aphrodite Jones was one of the many media journalists who made up her mind that Jackson was guilty even before the trial got under way. After investigating the case however, she had to admit to herself that she, like alot of other media personnal, had got it wrong. She deserves a hell of alot of credit for stepping forward and telling the truth about what really happened in the trial (not what many people in the media had you believe). Michael Jackson truly is an innocent man. <BR></P>
<P>You can check out the authors site at <A href="http://www.aphroditejones.com/" rel=nofollow target=_blank t="htmlx"><FONT color=#663399>http://www.aphroditejones.com/</FONT></A> . I highly recommend this book to anyone out there - particulary if you still have your suspicions about Jackson. It is a FASINATING read. One of the best current affairs books i have ever read (and thats saying alot!) </P>
作者: 时间:2009年06月29日 17:18 查看全文