老郭,建议公布最后两组 IP 数码,因为一组只有 256, 并且 0 和 255 一般不用
,所以实际上只有 254 个码,因此很多人可能会有同样的号码。如果用最后两组,那就可以区分六万四千多号码,一码多机的可能性就很小。但是,同一家或公司内部所有的电脑,只要是共用一个 modem or gateway, 对外 IP 号码全一样。阿保
游客IP:24.99.111.*发布于 2009-06-26 21:3810 楼#
<P>1 爱屁,</P>
游客IP:71.12.161.*发布于 2009-06-26 20:279 楼#
<P>this is last time you have my 爱屁.</P>
<P>I am here to mess up, who wants to do 'real' business on internet ?</P>
<P> ---- 1 爱屁</P>
<P>Realtor's quality is big problem. she ruined God's name, her parents' name, and her family.</P>
<P> </P>
游客IP:66.156.61.*发布于 2009-06-26 15:574 楼#
游客IP:207.34.170.*发布于 2009-06-26 15:523 楼#
<P>It is useless for someone who wants to recover his/her reputation. The people who has quality problem can not be saved, especial for people who is a realtor. </P>
<P> </P>
<P>You do not know what you are doing. You show only the last 4 digits of IP Address, and you made it clear that it may not come from the same user. Each time the user may have a different last 4 digits. So, what is the purpose of showing some number that may not identify a user? It will not deter bad users from attacking other good readers. To make things simple, just require a registered user with legitimate e-mail address. Although this way can not prevent abuses from happending again, it at least takes longer time for bad users to register different names.</P>
<P>Bottom line: there is a few bad users in Atlanta </P>
时间:2009年06月26日 10:41 查看全文