some young kids from ATTA played the high school tournament and Chinese Church table tennis tournament last weekend.
游客IP:131.96.146.*发布于 2013-04-08 15:024 楼#
Coach Wang's best students are all high school students. They have many things need to do during each weekend (school projects, SAT study, volunteer work...). It is hard to know they will be excited by this tournment. But if you can give $500 for the first in under 18 event, they may want go.<br><br>Coach Wang's has some students which have USATT rating above 1600 but they will go to NC tournament. It is the player and their parents chose nothing do with coach Wang. <br><br>Coach Wang has some little kids. However, these kids just start to learn Ping-pong no more than a year or a few month. They can not even serve or return the serve. Do you think they are ready for the competition?<br><br>Finally, as a coach, you have not right to order or force your students to go for any tournaments. You only can suggest to your students when you think your students are ready. <br><br>Coach Yang has more than 100 students, so this tournament should has enough players. I am sure this is going to very exciting tournaments. Thanks.<br>
游客IP:208.54.44.*发布于 2013-04-08 07:363 楼#
I checked the tournament in chorlotte tournament on 04/28. The USATT rating 1600+ player Can play. I checked with coach Yang. Coach Yang 's school no one is going to play that tournament. Coach Wang's school only few students 's rating are higher than 1600. So only a few kids will go to that tournament. Please Coach Yang, Coach Wang and Coach Feng send all your students to play the 1st Ga Junior table tennis championships on 04/28
游客IP:174.228.128.*发布于 2013-04-07 20:422 楼#
Coach yang, it is the same time for charlotte, NC tournament , many players including many kids already regisatered for that game.
作者:newgyusa 时间:2013年04月07日 08:32 查看全文