亚特兰大现代中文学校2013夏令营开始报名 点击这里了解详细介绍 Click here for more details 亚特兰大现代中文学校在过去两年成功举办夏令营的基础上,推出2013年主校园夏令营系列活动。学校借鉴往年夏令营的成功经验,今年夏令营的内容将包括特色中文营、SAT加强
作者:acca168 时间:2013年03月18日 04:13 查看全文
Last year my daughter attended enriched SAT class, which was not very helpful! It suppose to be from 9am to 4pm everyday, but they had 2 hrs lunch sometimes and started late or got out early other times. Even though it's cheap, it's not helpful for kids who are serious about improving their SAT score. You get what you paid for. Sorry about typing in English - don't have Chinese software on my computer yet.
作者:acca168 时间:2013年03月18日 04:13 查看全文