agree, IQ is base to learn and be able CATCT EQ
游客IP:71.12.161.*发布于 2009-05-25 15:255 楼#
agree, IQ is base to learn and be able CATCT EQ
游客IP:24.99.111.*发布于 2009-05-25 14:314 楼#
<P>Thanks for posting this article.But the percentage for IQ and EQ I think should be 40% and 60% or 30% and 70%.</P>
<P><BR>Of course the EQ is very important in China.You need to learn how to be a person then learn how to do things.<BR>But the IQ is still the foundation like the words of "龙生龙,风生风“。</P>
游客IP:71.12.161.*发布于 2009-05-25 14:023 楼#
it is not just learn, persnality count most
游客IP:76.17.65.*发布于 2009-05-25 13:442 楼#
<P><FONT color=#ff0000>“自己跌倒自己爬起来" </FONT><FONT color=#000000>精辟</FONT></P>
<P>I were grown up in this way, which to learn how to deal with in the real life during childhood。</P>
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<P>-- 布衣</P>
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游客IP:71.12.161.*发布于 2009-05-25 13:281 楼#
<FONT size=3>crap, 情商 is best stimulation for 智商, they act as one</FONT>
作者: 时间:2009年05月25日 12:27 查看全文