So what?<br>且不说,这种扑风捉影的卑鄙下流。就算张益唐有自己的政治观点,难道还不承认他的学术成就?!<br>这完全是愚民教育,阶级斗争思路的典型白痴。<br>
游客IP:71.59.10.*发布于 2013-11-17 06:0311 楼#
游客IP:71.59.10.*发布于 2013-11-13 07:5310 楼#
游客IP:74.231.24.*发布于 2013-11-05 07:149 楼#
游客IP:131.96.241.*发布于 2013-11-01 13:378 楼#
Albert Einstein=讲师张益唐??
游客IP:131.96.241.*发布于 2013-11-01 13:367 楼#
游客IP:71.59.10.*发布于 2013-10-30 10:326 楼#
Copied from the last paragraph of Page 8 of Paper "Bounded Caps Between
(http: //
Really nice comments about Zhang! Even compared to Albert Einstein.
Enter Yitang Zhang, an unlikely fgure to go so much further than the experts
, and to find exactly the right improvement and refinement of the Bombieri-
Vinogradov Theorem to establish the existence of the elusive bound B such
that there are infinitely many pairs of primes that dier by no more than B.
By all accounts, Zhang was a brilliant student in Beijing from 1978 to the
mid-80s, finishing with a master's degree, and then working on the Jacobian
conjecture for his Ph.D. at Purdue, graduating in 1992. He did not proceed
to a job in academia, working in odd jobs, such as in a sandwich shop, at a
motel and as a delivery worker. Finally in 1999 he got a job at the
University of New Hampshire as a lecturer, with a high teaching load,
working with many of the less qualified undergraduate students. From time-to
-time a lecturer devotes their energy to working on proving great results,
but few have done so with such aplomb as Zhang. Not only did he prove a
great result, but he did so by improving technically on the experts, having
important key ideas that they missed and developing a highly ingenious
and elegant construction concerning exponential sums. Then, so as not to be
rejected out of hand, he wrote his dicult paper up in such a clear manner
that it could not be denied. Albert Einstein worked in a patent office,
Yitang Zhang in a Subway sandwich shop; both found time, despite the
unrelated calls on their time and energy, to think the deepest thoughts in
science. Moreover Zhang did so at the relatively advanced age of 50 (or more
). Truly extraordinary.
作者:一民 时间:2013年05月26日 20:22 查看全文