亚特兰大各著名私立学校向媒体公布学校的第一, 第二名。<br>
<DIV style="BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; TEXT-ALIGN: left; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff; COLOR: #000000; OVERFLOW: hidden; BORDER-TOP: medium none; BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; TEXT-DECORATION: none">
<B>School - Valedictorian; Salutatorian</B><BR><BR>Atlanta Girls’ School - Ferra Pinnock; Sarah Diamond<BR><BR>Cumberland - Daniel Inskeep; None<BR><BR>Ben Franklin Academy - Skylar Sims; None<BR><BR>Holy Innocents’ Episcopal School - Kendall Jackson; James Best <BR><BR>The Lovett School - Elizabeth Wesley; Melissa Li<BR><BR>Marist School - Jack Leahey; Jason Morris<BR><BR>Mount Vernon - Corey Knapp; Megan McBryde<BR><BR>North Atlanta High - Ian Katz; Eva May<BR><BR>North Springs High - Emily Kelly; Michael Hochman<BR><BR>Pace - Andrew Schettino; Meredith Bradshaw<BR><BR>Riverwood High - Ariel Pinsky; Hannah Weiss<BR><BR>St. Pius X Catholic High School - David Spratte; Barbara Anne Kozee<BR><BR>Weber School - Gavriella Mendel; Benjamin Stolovitz<BR><BR>Westminster Schools - <B>Boys:</B> Joe Sheehan; Kunal Kamath; <B>Girls:</B> - Meg Panetta; Lilly Chin<BR><BR>Whitefield Academy - Holt Merkle; Morgan Landers<BR><BR>Woodward Academy - Kelly Marie Guest; Mary Helen deGolian and Justin Samuel Payan<BR><BR><I>— Compiled by Staff Writers Caroline Young and Bobby Tedder</I> <br><BR><BR>Read more: <A style="COLOR: #003399" href="http://neighbornewspapers.com/view/full_story/22582310/article-Jackson-named-valedictorian-at-Holy-Innocents-#ixzz2VXhOllFD">Neighbor Newspapers - Jackson named valedictorian at Holy Innocents</A> </DIV>
This is what you must have as a parent for the MASTER's class:<br>
云南白药是云南著名的中成药,由云南民间医生<A href="http://baike.baidu.com/view/20105.htm" target=_blank>曲焕章</A>于1902年研制成功,原名“曲焕章百宝丹”。对<A href="http://baike.baidu.com/view/734307.htm" target=_blank>跌打损伤</A>、创伤出血有很好的疗效。云南白药由名贵药材制成,具有化瘀止血、活血止痛、解毒消肿之功效。问世百年来,云南白药以其独特、神奇的功效被誉为“中华瑰宝,伤科圣药”,也由此成名于世、蜚声海外。<br>
作者:山人 时间:2013年06月04日 20:46 查看全文