Yes. Sir.<br><br>I do what I mean. <br><br>If need to cook some food in the party, I am happy to help.<br><br>Sounds good ?<br><br>敬上<br><br>布衣 = 普通人 <br><br><br>
游客IP:170.140.242.*发布于 2009-03-23 10:3513 楼#
普通人? wow... I wil see you soon in our Spring Outdoor Party...ha,ha..:) right?
游客IP:71.56.37.*发布于 2009-03-21 10:2212 楼#
郭大侠"大哥":<br><br>且用一下, 电影 ( OCEAN'S THIRTEEN ) 的台词 <br>IF I WANT TO SEE YOU, I'LL SEE YOU。<br><br>MAY GOD BLESS!<br><br>普通人
游客IP:170.140.242.*发布于 2009-03-20 18:2211 楼#
哈,哈。。 有眼還沒識泰山,你可是真人還沒有涼相。。:)
游客IP:71.56.37.*发布于 2009-03-20 15:1010 楼#
To 游客7: You must be Sophia. I can feel the emotion from your words - Hospitality. <br><br>I will come to next Meeting Event, and see your guys there.<br><br>Well, I am just a regular person with good manner, Don’t expect too much from me.<br><br>By the way, Guopeng supposes to be my “bigger brother” since 02-15 this year. 哈哈哈!!!<br><br>敬上<br><br>布衣 = 普通人 <br>
作者: 时间:2009年03月17日 01:54 查看全文